An Abridged Introduction to Dynamic SQL

Learn Real World Techniques You can Apply Immediately

3.85 (24 reviews)
An Abridged Introduction to Dynamic SQL
1 hour
Jan 2017
last update
regular price

What you will learn

By the end of this course you'll be able to take what you've learned and immediately apply it to the real world.

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🌟 **Course Headline:** ✨ An Abridged Introduction to Dynamic SQL - Master Real World Techniques You Can Apply Immediately! ✨ --- ### Course Description: Embark on a transformative journey into the world of dynamic database manipulation with our comprehensive online course, "An Abridged Introduction to Dynamic SQL." This course is meticulously crafted by Mike West, a seasoned professional who brings a blend of theory and practice that will elevate your understanding and application of Dynamic SQL. 🖥️👩‍💻 --- ### What You'll Learn: **Dynamic SQL Explained:** - **Understanding Dynamic SQL:** A technique for constructing SQL statements programmatically at runtime, allowing for greater flexibility and adaptability in your applications. - **Best Practices & Common Pitfalls:** Learn how to effectively use dynamic SQL without falling into the traps of overuse or misuse. **For Beginners and Seasoned Pros Alike:** - **Foundation for Newcomers:** If you're new to Dynamic SQL, this course will serve as a solid foundation, equipping you with the knowledge to confidently start writing dynamic SQL statements. - **Advanced Techniques for Veterans:** Experienced database administrators and developers will discover innovative applications of their existing skills and gain insights into optimizing performance. **Dynamic SQL in Action:** - **Real World Applications:** Understand how Dynamic SQL can be applied to a variety of scenarios, from operating on objects with unknown details to customizing statements for optimal performance. - **Practical Exercises:** This course is packed with hands-on exercises designed to reinforce your learning and ensure you can apply what you've learned in real-world settings. **Performance Optimization:** - **Efficient Query Writing:** Learn techniques to remove excess objects, minimize joins and subqueries, and reduce the size of SQL statements for faster execution times and reduced resource consumption. --- ### Course Benefits: - **Tailored for a Wide Range of Skill Levels:** Whether you're just starting out or you're an experienced professional, this course will enhance your database management skills. - **Real World Examples:** See Dynamic SQL in action with examples that demonstrate its power and versatility. - **Exclusive Insights:** Gain access to proprietary tools developed by Mike West, like the sqlblackbox engine, and learn how to leverage dynamic SQL within these advanced applications. --- ### Why Choose This Course? - **Educational Integrity:** Backed by a practicing educator, this course offers a learning experience that is both current and relevant to today's database challenges. - **Smooth Learning Experience:** The course is designed with clarity and ease of use in mind, ensuring you can focus on learning without the distractions of a clunky interface. - **Immediate Application:** With practical exercises and real-world examples, you'll be ready to apply your newfound knowledge to improve your database management immediately after completing the course. --- ### Enrollment is Open! Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to master Dynamic SQL with "An Abridged Introduction to Dynamic SQL." Join us and transform the way you interact with databases forever! 🎉 --- *Note: Mike West has been instrumental in designing this course, bringing his vast experience to share with eager learners. His dedication to teaching and passion for technology make him an excellent guide on your learning journey.*


August 1, 2020
Overall good introduction to Dynamic SQL; I appreciated the extra discussion of SQL Injection types and mitigation techniques. Needs improvement: important details (e.g., why/when to use COALSESCE) were only mentioned in the summary. CAST was mentioned but not discussed. Instructor needs to enunciate better in several places, often slurring words which may be difficult for those unfamiliar with the terminology or who speak other languages or versions of English.
May 28, 2020
15% Through: So far it's fine since he's just outlining the course and basics. There's a section on documentation which seems a bit odd since Dynamic SQL is an advanced technique and thus proper documentation should be a no-brainer for those who are at the level to take the course. Despite this, I'm looking forward to hit the meat and bones of this course as it's something I'm dying to know who to do regularly when coding. 100% Through: That went really quick. Lesson 11 was really informative at least. He went so quick and breezed so fast over concepts that I'm not sure exactly what I retained. I liked that he added quizzes at the end of a section, but I didn't feel there was much of an opportunity to apply what he was teaching. Oh well, it wasn't very expensive so I didn't really lose anything in the effort sans time. The search for a solid class on intermediate/expert level SQL continues.
September 5, 2018
I thought that the course was a good introduction to dynamic SQL, however if you are looking to do more complicated stuff you might be disappointed. The lectures were succinct and the concepts were easy to grasp.
July 25, 2018
Comprehensive introduction to dynamic SQL. This was my first course by Mike West and I will definitely purchase more of his in future



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