Criando sistemas com ASP.NET MVC

4.15 (637 reviews)
1 hour
Jan 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Introdução ASPNET MVC

Why take this course?

🎓 **Transforme-se em um Mestre ASP.NET MVC com o Curso Completo!** --- ### **O que você vai aprender:** 👨‍💻 **Fundamentos do ASP.NET MVC:** Ideal para iniciantes e desenvolvedores intermediários que desejam aprimorar suas habilidades na área. Destaque para quem busca entrar no mercado de trabalho com forte demanda por profissionais qualificados. --- **Como será o seu aprendizado:** - **Introdução ao ASP.NET MVC:** Entenda os conceitos básicos e como estruturar uma aplicação web usando MVC (Model-View-Controller). - **Criação de Uma Aplicação Web Simples:** Desde o layout até a integração de funcionalidades, você vai construir sua própria aplicação step by step. - **Trabalhando com Entity Framework:** Aprenda a interagir com bancos de dados utilizando Entity Framework para gerenciar seu modelo de dados de forma eficaz. - **Gerenciamento de Migrations:** Domin o uso de migrations no Entity Framework para controlar alterações no banco de dados com segurança e confiança. --- **Por que escolher este curso?** Micael Pereira, com anos de experiência na área, compartilha seu conhecimento para ampliar sua capacidade de criar software de forma simples e eficiente. Este curso é essencial para você entender como e por que usar o ASP.NET MVC, garantindo que você esteja preparado para tomar decisões informadas sobre tecnologias na sua carreira. --- **O que você vai ganhar:** - **Compreensão Profunda do ASP.NET MVC:** Saiba as melhores práticas e como aplicá-las para desenvolver aplicações web robustas e mantidas. - **Experiência Prática:** Construa sua portfólio com um projeto real, demonstrando seu conhecimento e habilidades ao potencial empregador. - **Capacidade de Decisão Tecnológica:** Aprenda o porquê de escolher certas tecnologias para o seu projeto, otimizando seu tempo de desenvolvimento e resultados. --- 🎯 **Destinado a:** - Desenvolvedores que desejam iniciar sua jornada no ASP.NET MVC. - Programadores intermediários buscando aprimorar suas habilidades em web development. - Profissionais da área de TI que aspiram se especializar em sistemas web robustos e mantidos. --- **Não perca a chance de se tornar um especialista em ASP.NET MVC! Inscreva-se agora e dá o primeiro pass rumo a uma carreira desafiadora e gratificante.** 🚀

Our review

📚 **Course Review:** ASP.NET MVC **Overall Rating:** 4.4/5 ### Pros: - **Practical Learning:** Many users found the course to be practical and effective for learning ASP.NET MVC, especially for those who already had some experience with ASP.NET. (Multiple Reviews) - **Quality Content:** The content provided is considered of high quality, particularly for beginners. It helps newcomers understand the basics and offers a solid foundation. (Several Reviews) - **Engaging Teaching Methods:** The teaching style of the instructor was praised for being engaging and clear, with one user stating it "sanou minhas dúvidas." - **Gravity as a Free Resource:** The course is valued for being free and provides good value for the cost (which is nothing). (Several Reviews) - **Coverage of Interface Generics:** Some users appreciated learning about interface generics, which they had not used before. (One Review) - **Comprehensive Overview:** The course was described as comprehensive and introdutório, covering a wide range of topics within ASP.NET MVC. (Multiple Reviews) - **Positive Impact on Learning:** Users reported that the course helped them build a better understanding of ASP.NET, including some advanced concepts, and enabled them to create a functional CRUD application. (Several Reviews) - **Enthusiastic User Feedback:** The overwhelmingly positive feedback from users indicates a successful learning experience for many. (Multiple Reviews) ### Cons: - **Incomplete Explanations:** Some users felt that certain aspects, such as classes and the context of DbSet, were not fully explained, which could be a barrier for beginners. (Multiple Reviews) - **Lack of Previous Knowledge Specification:** While the course is advertised as introductory, some users suggest it assumes prior knowledge of ASP.NET, making it less suitable for true beginners. (Several Reviews) - **Technical Issues:** Some technical problems were reported, including video freezes and abrupt cuts in videos that can distract from the learning experience. (Multiple Reviews) - **Outdated Content:** One user noted that the course covered an older version of ASP.NET MVC and some commands are now obsolete with the introduction of EF Core. (One Review) - **Inconsistencies in Subtitles/Captions:** Some users pointed out discrepancies between subtitles and audio, which can affect understanding. (One Review) - **Zoom Issues and Video Quality:** A few users mentioned issues with the video's zoom level and the overall quality of the video finishings, suggesting room for improvement in production standards. (Multiple Reviews) ### Recommendations: The consensus among users is that this course serves as an excellent follow-up for those who have some foundational knowledge of ASP.NET. It is not recommended as a first introduction to the framework or for those who are entirely new to ASP.NET. Users who encountered technical issues are advised to persist, as the underlying content is valuable. For beginners and those seeking the most up-to-date practices, it is suggested to complement this course with additional learning resources that cover the latest versions of ASP.NET MVC and EF Core. ### Conclusion: Overall, the ASP.NET MVC course receives high marks for its educational value and engaging teaching style, particularly for those with prior knowledge of ASP.NET. While there are some issues with technical quality and content completeness, the positive feedback from a majority of users indicates that it is a beneficial resource for learning ASP.NET MVC. It is recommended that future learners be made aware of the course's target audience and that updates be made to align with current ASP.NET practices.



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