Bootstrap 4 desde cero

Empieza a trabajar tus mejores diseños en el framework mas popular del desarollo web.

4.40 (246 reviews)
Web Development
Bootstrap 4 desde cero
1.5 hours
Jan 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Aprenderemos las bases de Bootstrap 4 desde un nivel trainee.

Entender el Framework más popular del diseño y desarollo web, Bootstrap 4.

Aprenderás a trabajar diseños responsivos (adaptables para cualquier dispositivo).

Comprender cualquier código de interfaces web creados en Bootstrap 4.

Dominar y ejercer en práctica el sistema de columnas de Bootstrap.

Perfeccionar nuestra creatividad visual en cada maqueteado.

Why take this course?

Bienvenido al curso Introductorio de Bootstrap 4 (versión 4.5 - Febrero 2021)

En este curso aprenderemos a trabajar de forma mas sencilla nuestros diseños de nuestras primeras paginas web en internet, te mostraré desde lo mas básico  la funcionalidad de cada elemento a utilizar en Bootstrap , teniendo en cuenta las buenas practicas utilizadas en la maquetación de una pagina web , sitio web , landing page, blogs y layouts.

El curso es 100% practico, en las primeras clases trabajamos fundamentos teóricos del framework para luego  para luego aplicarlos en la practica, esta  compuesta por 12 lecciones que representan casi 1 hora y 40 minutos de contenido, lo que se necesita como requisito obligatorio es tener conocimientos en HTML5 y CSS3 , en la cual se enseña como estructurar un sitio web.

Iniciaremos con lo más básico instalando el entorno necesario para trabajar conforme se vaya avanzando iremos reforzando lo aprendido hasta llegar a nuestro proyecto final (Landing Page).


Este curso se enfoca en el aprendizaje del framework Boostrap 4 , el cual es un pilar importante para la construcción de sitios web tanto en el diseño como en el desarrollo,  el comprender esto abre las posibilidades de integrar muchas tecnologías para darle mas profesionalismo a nuestros trabajos.


Esta conformado por 3 secciones:

  1. Introducción

    En esta sección veremos desde la definición de Boostrap , configuración del entorno de trabajo y sus formas de instalación.

  2. Conceptos Introductorios

    En esta sección trabajaremos los elementos utilizados en Boostrap tanto de forma teórica como practica.

  3. Construyendo nuestro Landing Page

    Trabajaremos en la construcción de un Landing Page ( estructura +estilos) adaptable para todo dispositivo teniendo en cuenta las buenas practicas.

Agregando esto también aprenderemos:

  • Utilizar herramientas y recursos que facilitan el trabajo del desarrollador.

  • Desarrollar la creatividad en la importancia visual de una pagina web.

Our review

--- ### Course Review Summary **Global Rating:** 4.40 The course has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from recent students, with an average rating of 4.4 stars. The majority of the feedback highlights the clarity and effectiveness of the instruction provided, particularly in explaining complex topics such as Bootstrap and HTML. --- ### Pros: - **Clear and Effective Explanation:** Most users found the course content to be well-explained, making even complex topics like Bootstrap understandable. - **Real-world Application Focus:** The practical examples used in the course were appreciated as they helped students visualize how the concepts could be applied in real-world scenarios. - **Engaging and Helpful Instructor:** Many students reported that their instructor was very helpful, especially in addressing their doubts and concerns during the course. - **Ease of Following:** The pacing and structure of the course were appropriate for beginners, allowing them to grasp the basics effectively. - **Supportive Learning Environment:** Some users mentioned that the exercises provided were clear and sufficient for repetition, which is essential for learning and mastering new skills. - **Positive Impact on Learning:** A significant number of students expressed that the course served as an excellent starting point for understanding Bootstrap and as a reference for future learning. --- ### Cons: - **Repetitive Language Use:** A few users pointed out that the instructor's frequent use of the phrase "de acuerdo" could be slightly monotonous or repetitive over time. - **Pacing Concerns for Advanced Users:** One student felt that while the course was good for beginners, it might not offer a deep enough dive into Bootstrap for those looking for more advanced content. - **Video Speed Issue:** One review highlighted an issue with the video speed being normal, which could make it difficult for some learners to follow along if they need to watch at a slower pace. - **Suggestion for Elimination of Umm...:** A suggestion was made for the instructor to remove verbal fillers (like "um") to improve the course's clarity and professionalism. - **Desire for More Comprehensive Coverage:** Some students expressed a desire for more in-depth explanations for all options, such as the specific properties of margins and alignments within Bootstrap. --- ### General Feedback: - **Overall Satisfaction:** The course received high marks for its overall approach to teaching Bootstrap, with many students finding it a "good choice" and "bien explicado" (well explained). - **Room for Improvement:** While the course is praised for its foundational aspects, there is room for improvement in terms of pace for advanced users and attention to detail in explanations. - **Instructor's Effort Appreciated:** The effort put forth by the instructor was not left unnoticed, with many students expressing gratitude and appreciation for their time and dedication. In conclusion, this Bootstrap course is well-regarded among beginners and intermediate learners. It effectively covers the basics and provides a solid foundation for understanding and using Bootstrap. With some minor adjustments to pacing and language use, it has the potential to serve a broader range of learners even more effectively.



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