Bug Out Bag: Build the Ultimate Bugout 72-hour Survival Bag

Ultimate list of bug out bag items to create an light weight survival backpack packing list. Be Ready When Disaster .

3.70 (31 reviews)
Safety & First Aid
Bug Out Bag: Build the Ultimate Bugout 72-hour Survival Bag
4 hours
Nov 2018
last update
regular price

What you will learn

How to select the appropriate backpack, rucksack or container for your situation and environment that fits your body type vehicle, and/or needs

How to select a water bottle, canteen and water purification system that is best for your situation environment and personal preference

How to select the appropriate food for your bug out bag so that you will have all of the nutrition and calories necessary to survive your emergency situation in as much comfort as possible

How to supplement your bug out bag supplies and things from the environment such as wild berries, frogs and rabbits

How to choose the best fire starting implement, such as matches played and steel or friction, as well as an appropriately sized cooking pot

How to select the appropriate style and type of clothing for your bug out bag to be used in case of emergency or a spare change of clothes

How to build a primitive shelter from a tarp plastic bag or dead leaves and branches, as well as how to choose a first aid kit appropriate to your medical needs

How to choose the appropriate hygiene tools for your bug out bag

Why take this course?

It seems like you've put together a comprehensive overview of what a Bug Out Bag (BOB) is, why it's important, and the critical nature of being prepared for various emergency situations. Your message effectively emphasizes the importance of having a well-thought-out plan and the right supplies in place before an emergency occurs. It also highlights the potential increase in price for the course and outlines the benefits of enrolling now, such as lifetime access, future updates at no additional cost, and a full money-back guarantee within 30 days. Here's a summary of key points you might want to include or ensure are clear in your communication: 1. **Purpose of a Bug Out Bag**: A BOB is designed to sustain an individual for at least 72 hours during an emergency, allowing them to evacuate safely from a disaster zone. 2. **Customization**: A BOB must be tailored to the individual's specific needs and environmental context, ensuring that it meets their unique survival requirements. 3. **Emergency Scenarios**: Examples of scenarios where a BOB would be essential include terrorist attacks, natural disasters, power outages, and transportation system failures. 4. **Course Benefits**: Enrolling in the course provides the knowledge necessary to pack a BOB effectively, ensuring that no critical item is overlooked, potentially saving lives. 5. **Financial Considerations**: The course currently has a special introductory price, which is expected to increase shortly. 6. **Lifetime Access and Support**: Students have unlimited lifetime access to the course materials and can reach out for support if they encounter any difficulties. 7. **Money-Back Guarantee**: The course offers a full refund within 30 days, without any questions asked. 8. **Call to Action**: A strong emphasis on the urgency of preparing now, before an emergency occurs, and the importance of being ready for whatever might happen. Remember, the goal is to motivate potential students to take action and enroll in the course to ensure they are prepared for any unforeseen events that could disrupt their lives or the lives of their loved ones. The message should instill a sense of urgency and empowerment by providing the tools and knowledge necessary for effective emergency preparedness.

Our review

--- **Course Review: Essentials of Building Your Bug Out Bag** **Overview:** The "Essentials of Building Your Bug Out Bag" course offers comprehensive content on emergency preparedness, with a focus on assembling a bug out bag (BOB). The course delivery primarily consists of reading PowerPoint slides, which some users found to be inadequately engaging. Despite this, the information provided is considered valuable and actionable by many reviewers. **Pros:** - **Thorough Content:** The course covers all aspects of BOB preparation, ensuring that learners understand the importance of each item included in their bag. - **Practical Information:** Even though the presentation style is criticized, the content makes participants consider all elements of being prepared for emergencies. - **Actionable Tips:** Reviewers have reported picking up several valuable tips from the course, which they found to be beneficial for their personal preparedness. - **Comprehensive Scope:** The course is not limited to listing items but also explains why each item is crucial and how to use it in survival situations. - **Real-World Application:** Users appreciate that the course goes beyond theory, providing detailed information on how to handle real-life scenarios. **Cons:** - **Presentation Style:** The course is criticized for being boring, with the presenter reading off PowerPoint slides without any visual aids beyond text headers and images. - **Lack of Engagement:** Some users have expressed that the presentation lacks engagement, suggesting that more dynamic content such as videos would enhance learning. - **Unrealistic Suggestions:** A notable complaint is the suggestion of a 500lb weight for a bug out bag, which many consider impractical. - **Desire for Visual Aids:** There's a consensus that the course could be improved with more pictures of products, and perhaps a face or video to accompany the voice, offering a more personal touch. **User Experience:** The reviews are mixed, with some users finding the course unengaging due to its presentation style. However, many agree that the content is valuable and provides a solid foundation for understanding what a bug out bag should contain, why it's necessary, and how to use the items within it effectively. The course is deemed a good investment for those in the northeast US, particularly as it aligns with the region's emergency preparedness guidelines. **Conclusion:** While the "Essentials of Building Your Bug Out Bag" course receives criticism for its presentation methods and some practicality concerns, such as the suggested weight for a BOB, the overall content is highly regarded for its comprehensiveness and actionable advice. It is a valuable resource for those looking to enhance their preparedness for unexpected situations, with the caveat that learners may need to supplement the course with additional visual and interactive materials for a more enriching experience. --- **Final Rating:** 3.70/5 **Note to Future Course Developers:** Consider incorporating video content and real-life demonstrations to enhance engagement and practicality. Address any unrealistic suggestions, such as the weight of a bug out bag, with more realistic guidelines. The course has a solid foundation but could benefit from improvements in delivery and ensuring all advice is actionable and aligned with emergency preparedness best practices.



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