10 Tips para mantener una fanpage exitosa en Facebook

Te comparto la experiencia de mi página con más de 200,000 seguidores para mantener una FanPage exitosa

4.65 (56 reviews)
Social Media Marketing
10 Tips para mantener una fanpage exitosa en Facebook
1 hour
Jun 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Para qué tener una FanPage

Cómo publicar e interactuar para que los seguidores sean fieles

Qué tipo de contenido vale la pena publicar

Qué puede producir que tu PanPage crezca de una manera más orgánica

Why take this course?

Este curso es para ti si ya tienes una página de seguidores en Facebook y deseas sacarle un mayor partido, no hablamos de cómo construirla desde el sentido técnico, hablamos de qué tipo de contenido podemos compartir, de cómo interactuar con la audiencia y de cómo generar lealtad en tus seguidores para mantenerla en el camino del éxito.

Esta página no es para las personas que deseen comprender la parte técnica de cómo construir una página de seguidores. Es una página que puede ser muy productiva para comprender la comunicación que puedes tener con tus seguidores en la actualidad.

Compartir una experiencia probada con más de 200,000 seguidores en mi FanPage para que más personas compartamos el éxito de una poderosa página de seguidores en facebook.

Hoy en día con las facilidades tecnológicas muchas personas son capaces de construir (técnicamente) una fanpage en Facebook. Sin embargo, la mayoría de ellas en menos de seis meses son abandonadas por sus propietarios ante sensaciones de fracaso al no ver resultados esperados.

Te comparto 10 Tips que te llevarán a mantener una fanpage exitosa, deseando que las herramientas que te comparto te sean verdaderamente útiles.

Te envío mis mejores deseos de éxito.

Guido Rosas.


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Our review

🏫 **Course Review: Mastering Facebook Fan Page for Business Success** ## Introduction This course has garnered a high level of satisfaction among its participants, with a global rating of 4.65 and all recent reviews being positive. The instructor is commended for his clarity and practical approach, providing valuable insights into creating and managing a successful Facebook Fan Page. While some suggestions for improvement have been made, the overall reception of the course is overwhelmingly positive. ## Course Strengths - **Clear and Practical Instructions**: The instructor's ability to explain what to do and what not to do in the process of setting up and managing a Fan Page has been highlighted by many reviewers. - **Action-Oriented from the Start**: The course leads participants into action, which is seen as a productive approach that delivers immediate applicability. - **Useful Content**: Many users find the information provided in the course to be highly useful, not just for theoretical understanding but also for practical application. - **Comprehensive Coverage**: The course does not limit itself to technicalities but covers a range of aspects including strategy and content quality. - **Real-World Examples Needed**: Some users suggest that including more visual examples (like screenshots or videos) could enhance the learning experience by providing tangible references during the lessons. - **Diverse Audience Appeal**: The course is appreciated not only by seasoned professionals but also by beginners and even musicians, indicating its broad applicability. ## Room for Improvement - **Practical Demonstrations**: A few users have pointed out that seeing actual demonstrations of the Facebook interface would be helpful, especially for newcomers who may find the platform's layout confusing. - **Balanced Content and Technical Explanation**: There is a recommendation for the course to strike a better balance between theoretical concepts and practical demonstrations, ensuring that users understand not just what to do but also why certain actions are taken. - **Clarification on Titling and Content**: One user suggests that the title of the course should more accurately reflect the content covered, as some elements discussed are quite fundamental. - **Economical Duration and Price**: The course is noted for its appropriate length and reasonable cost, making it an affordable option for those looking to improve their social media management skills. ## Final Verdict The "Mastering Facebook Fan Page for Business Success" course has been a valuable resource for many learners. It combines practical guidance with strategic insights, all while maintaining a focus on the quality of content and engagement rather than just technical details. While there are some areas where the course could be enhanced by incorporating more visual examples and possibly addressing some fundamental aspects more succinctly, the overall feedback suggests that this course is a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to enhance their business's presence on Facebook. **Pro Tip**: To maximize the benefits of the course, consider taking notes while watching, especially on aspects where you feel you might need further clarification after the course. This will help reinforce the learning and ensure that you can apply the knowledge effectively in your own Fan Page management efforts.



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10 Tips para mantener una fanpage exitosa en Facebook - Distribution chart

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