Complete Facebook Messenger Chatbot Course

Use ChatterOn to train chatbot to answer questions and have dialogs. Master ChatterOn Create chatbot for Messenger.

4.05 (502 reviews)
Programming Languages
Complete Facebook Messenger Chatbot Course
1.5 hours
Mar 2017
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Develop any basic chatbot in the most effective and efficient manner

Get a top paying job as a chatbot developer

Monetize your own chatbots using Ads

Build top chatbots for high end clients

Why take this course?

๐Ÿค– **Unlock the Full Potential of Facebook Messenger with ChatterOn** ๐Ÿš€ **Course Instructor:** Rohan Dhawan **Course Title:** Complete Facebook Messenger Chatbot Mastery ๐Ÿ”ฅ **Are you ready to dive into the world of chatbots and emerge as a pro?** With the "Complete Facebook Messenger Chatbot" course, you'll gain the skills needed to create engaging, interactive, and intelligent chatbots using the powerful ChatterOn platform. ๐ŸŒŸ ### **Course Overview:** This course is your comprehensive guide to mastering chatbot creation on Facebook Messenger. Whether you're aspiring to land a 6 figure job as a chatbot developer or aiming to serve high-end clients or enhance your personal business, this course will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills. ### **Why Choose This Course?** โœ… **Hands-on Learning:** Engage in practical exercises that will have you building and fine-tuning chatbots from day one. โœ… **Industry-Relevant Skills:** Learn the latest techniques in Natural Language Processing (NLP) to make your chatbot smarter and more conversational. โœ… **Real-world Application:** Understand how to use chatbots not just as a tool for communication but also as a monetizable asset. ### **Course Highlights:** - ๐Ÿ”น **Chatbot Creation Basics:** Learn the ins and outs of setting up your first chatbot on Facebook Messenger. - ๐Ÿ”น **Media Integration:** Add flair to your bot with multimedia elements like images and videos to enhance user engagement. - ๐Ÿ”น **NLP Mastery:** Dive into the complexities of natural language processing to make your chatbot more human-like and capable of handling advanced interactions. - ๐Ÿ”ธ **Entertaining Features:** Discover how to program your chatbot to crack jokes, adding a touch of humor to user conversations. - ๐Ÿ”น **Monetization Strategies:** Explore different ways to monetize your chatbot and turn it into a profitable venture. ### **What You Will Learn:** - **Building Your First Chatbot:** Start with the basics and progressively learn advanced techniques. - **Adding Media:** Enhance your bot's interactivity with images, GIFs, videos, and audio messages. - **NLP Implementation:** Master natural language processing to understand and respond to user inputs more effectively. - **Creating a Humorous Chatbot:** Learn how to infuse humor into your chatbot's responses for an entertaining user experience. - **Monetization Tactics:** Discover various methods to monetize your chatbot, from subscription models to in-chat product offerings. ### **Who Is This Course For?** - Aspiring chatbot developers looking to break into the industry. - Business owners who want to leverage AI for customer service or engagement. - Marketers aiming to use chatbots as part of their marketing strategy. - Anyone interested in the intersection of artificial intelligence and user interaction. ### **Join Now and Transform Your Career!** Don't miss out on the opportunity to become a chatbot expert with ChatterOn. Sign up for this course today and step into a future where AI can transform your career and open new avenues for success. ๐ŸŒโœจ Enroll now and take the first step towards mastering Facebook Messenger Chatbots!


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Our review

--- **Course Overview:** This online course offers an extensive guide on utilizing Chatteron, a platform designed for building chatbots across various platforms such as Messenger, Website, and Workplace. The course is well-received by many learners who find the content informative and the tutorial approach effective. However, some users have encountered challenges due to the instructor's heavy accent and fast speaking pace, which can make the course difficult to follow without subtitles or additional written material. **Pros:** - **Comprehensive Content:** The course covers a wide range of topics within the Chatteron platform, including its integration with websites and workplaces, making it a valuable resource for those interested in chatbot automation. - **Practical Demonstrations:** Many users have appreciated the practical examples provided in the tutorials, which help to solidify their understanding of the platform. - **User-Friendly:** The course is praised for being beginner-friendly and making complex concepts understandable and accessible. - **Informative:** Learners report that the course has equipped them with knowledge necessary to create effective chatbots using Chatteron. - **Engaging:** The interactive nature of the course, with real-world applications, is engaging and provides hands-on learning experience. **Cons:** - **Accent Challenges:** A significant number of learners find it difficult to understand the instructor due to a heavy accent and fast speech, which can be a barrier to comprehension. - **Subtitles or Captions Lacking:** The absence of subtitles for video content makes it hard for some users to follow along, especially those who are not native speakers of the instructor's language. - **Technical Issues:** Some users have reported issues with course materials such as a missing downloadable document and unanswered support questions. - **Pacing and Detail:** A few learners suggest that the course could benefit from a slower pace and more detailed explanation in some areas, especially for those who are new to coding or chatbot development. - **Lack of Advanced Content:** Some users expected the course to delve deeper into more complex aspects of chatbot creation as they felt it was too basic. **Course Summary:** Overall, this Chatteron course is highly rated by learners who appreciate its depth and practicality in teaching chatbot development. However, there are notable drawbacks related to the delivery of the content, which could be significantly improved with clearer speech, subtitles, and addressing technical issues promptly. Despite these challenges, the course still remains a valuable resource for anyone looking to enter the field of chatbot creation or expand their knowledge on Chatteron platform. It is recommended that future iterations of the course consider incorporating these improvements to enhance learner experience.



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