Erlang: The Complete Beginner's Guide

Learn Distributed Programming in Erlang and become an expert in a niche market

4.47 (530 reviews)
Programming Languages
Erlang: The Complete Beginner's Guide
3.5 hours
Jan 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Erlang programming language

Network communication

Real time communication

Learn to code

Why take this course?

🚀 **Embark on Your Journey to Mastering Distributed Programming with Erlang!** 🧩 **Why Erlang? A Snapshot:** Erlang, a powerhouse in the realm of distributed systems, stands out as a language designed for building simple and maintainable applications on a large scale. 💰 In 2018, StackOverflow ranked it as the highest paying programming language in the US, signaling its immense value and demand. Tech giants like Microsoft, IBM, and Ericsson, along with platforms such as WhatsApp, leverage Erlang for their robust backend solutions. It's not just about the paycheck; Erlang is a game-changer in the world of concurrent programming. ✍️ **Course Highlights:** - **Getting Started:** Learn how to install and set up Erlang on both PC and Mac environments smoothly. - **Language Foundations:** Dive into the core concepts of Erlang, including functions, data types, lists, and more. - **Control Your Flow:** Master control structures that will empower you to navigate your code with confidence. - **Functions at the Forefront:** Understand functions, particularly higher-order functions, which are key to Erlang's concurrency model. - **Concurrency Made Simple:** Explore the world of concurrent processing and learn how Erlang handles it elegantly. 🌟 **Your Pathway to a Lucrative Career Awaits!** Erlang is not just a language; it's a golden ticket in a niche market where your expertise can be highly valued. With a significant shortage of Erlang skills, you have the opportunity to claim a top spot and command attention from employers globally. 🤗 **Hands-On Learning Experience:** This course is crafted with practical application in mind. We'll build real-world examples at every step, culminating in the creation of a distributed chat application that showcases the power of Erlang's concurrency model. 📖 **In-Depth Exploration:** We'll delve into each concept step by step, explaining not just what these structures are but how to apply them effectively in real-world scenarios. From the basics to advanced topics, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of Erlang. 🗝️ **Take Action Today!** Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to learn from an experienced instructor who has guided over 8000 students towards success in Erlang and counting. The demand for Erlang experts is soaring, and with this course, you can be ready to meet it. 💸 **Risk-Free Investment:** With Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee, you can start learning Erlang today without hesitation. It's an investment in your future that's backed by confidence. 🔥 **Join the Community of Erlang Enthusiasts!** Sign up for "Erlang: The Complete Beginner's Guide" now and be part of a community that values your growth, innovation, and success. Let's embark on this journey together and unlock new opportunities in distributed programming. 🌐🚀


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Our review

📚 **Course Overview** The Global course rating stands at a solid 4.37, with recent reviews providing a mix of opinions on various aspects of the course. The target audience seems to be beginners to programming and Erlang, as well as those with some programming background looking to explore Erlang specifically. **Strengths:** - **Clarity and Explanation**: Many reviewers found the explanations clear and suitable for beginners. - **Beginner Friendly**: The course is considered a good starting point for newcomers to both programming and Erlang. - **Content Quality**: The content is generally perceived as valuable, with some sections being highly praised for their detailed and easy-to-understand approach. **Areas for Improvement:** - **Practical Application**: Some reviewers felt that there were insufficient practical examples or exercises to solidify the concepts taught. - **Course Scope**: A few users mentioned that the course did not cover some expected advanced topics, such as file handling, database connection, XML/JSON parsing, and web services. - **Interaction with Instructor**: There are concerns regarding the lack of interaction from the instructor with the students' questions and challenges. - **Presentation Quality**: Some users experienced difficulties with reading code or seeing demos due to poor presentation quality, suggesting high resolution could be an issue. - **Course Subtitle Expectations**: Some reviewers felt that the course's subtitle might be misleading, as some anticipated more advanced content than what was delivered. **Additional Considerations:** - **Real-world Applications**: There is a desire for more focus on how Erlang features are applied in real-world scenarios, particularly in distributed systems. - **Exercise and Practice**: A common recommendation across several reviews was the inclusion of more exercises to enhance learning through practice. - **Additional Materials**: Some users suggested that optional materials covering topics not included in the main content could be beneficial for a more comprehensive understanding. **Instructor's Approach:** - The course appears to have a tutorial-like feel, possibly more suited to a YouTube series format than a structured online course. - The instructor may benefit from improving the presentation style, especially when showing code or demonstrations, by adjusting resolution or other visual elements for better readability. **Learner's Experience:** - The overall learner experience is positive, with many finding value in the course despite some shortcomings. - Some learners have suggested alternative free resources, such as books or YouTube series, that offer a similar depth of knowledge. **Final Thoughts:** This Erlang course strikes a balance between being approachable for beginners and providing a foundation for understanding Erlang. However, to fully meet the expectations set by its subtitle and to cater to more experienced learners, it could include more advanced topics and practical exercises, as well as a more interactive learning environment with better presentation quality.



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