Fear Proofing for Entrepreneurs

Overcome the most common entrepreneurial fears by traveling around the country for 30 days in a home-made camper van.

4.45 (11 reviews)
Fear Proofing for Entrepreneurs
3 hours
May 2015
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Cold call and email without fear

Take intelligent risks without fear holding you back

Break the mold in your industry and create revolutionary products

Why take this course?

Are you an entrepreneur? Do you want to be one? Or just start a small business on the side?

Being an entrepreneur forces you to confront some of the biggest fears you have. If you never overcome these fears, they will hold you back at every step of your entrepreneurial journey.

Fear number one is fear of failure. Fear of losing everything and not having a job or anything to fall back on. Fear number two is fear of meeting new people. In this course you'll face both fears head on through an experiential project.

You'll learn how I went on my own fear proofing journey several years ago, and the various steps I took along the way as well as the strategies that helped me succeed.

You'll learn how to build a small camper van, which you will live in for a month, to get the experience of what it is like to live homelessly for a month while traveling. This experience will help you eliminate your fears of failure and losing everything because you'll learn that you can survive, be productive and feel fulfilled with almost nothing.

You'll also be reliant on other people in the new towns and cities you visit to learn where to go and what to do. You'll be forced to get comfortable talking with strangers and getting help. When you go back to your business, you will see everything in a new light. You'll feel more comfortable picking up the phone and calling people, sending emails to people you want to meet and getting help from strangers when you need it.

Business is a game, take this course so you can play the game without anything holding you back.



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August 8, 2015
Very interesting practical advices on how to survive wheter in a journey or while travelling or for life in general. I enjoyed it. Thank you very much!
July 9, 2015
Due to many practical reasons and obligations, I can guarantee that I will not be living thus way for an extended period of time. However, the lessons about making time to reflect, getting out of your routine and comfort zone, making concerted efforts to gain new experiences and meet new people, are all valuable and relevant. I can apply the lessons in daily life and shorter trips. For those who are able to go on the type of adventures described in the course, this is a great reference with valuable advice and practical lessons



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