Software Design: Functional Programming in C#

Learn the principles of Functional Programming & how to apply them with the power of C# to improve software architecture

4.00 (313 reviews)
Programming Languages
Software Design: Functional Programming in C#
4 hours
Jul 2020
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Design and Implement Immutable Types

Implement Useful Extension Methods

Write Pure Functions (avoiding side effects)

Handle Errors in a Functional Style

Tackle with the Problem of Null-values in a Functional Style

Why take this course?

🚀 **Master Functional Programming in C#!** 🧠 ## Course Title: Software Design: Functional Programming in C# ### Course Headline: Embrace the power of C# and the principles of Functional Programming to elevate your software design and architecture to new heights. Enroll in our "Functional Programming in C#" course today! --- ### Course Description: Dive into the world of **Functional Programming in C#** with our comprehensive online course designed for C# developers who aspire to write more **readable**, **understandable**, and **reliable** code. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will guide you through the essentials of functional programming within the C# ecosystem, leveraging its latest features to enhance your coding practices. 🧱➡️🎨 --- ### Teaching Approach: - **No Fluff**: We respect your time and commitment. Our course is designed to be succinct yet comprehensive, ensuring you learn the most important concepts without unnecessary filler. - **In-Depth Coverage**: We delve into the topics that truly matter, providing detailed explanations and practical examples to solidify your understanding of functional programming in C#. --- ### Learn Functional Programming with a Focus on Clean Coding: - **Get a Deep Understanding** of what Functional Programming is all about. - ✅ Learn how to design **Immutable Types** that are the backbone of functional programming. - ✅ Utilize **C# 6 and C# 7 Features** to write cleaner, more efficient code in a functional style. - ✅ Master **Type Extension and Composition**, enabling you to build more modular and reusable code. - ✅ Understand how to handle **Errors and Exceptions** in a way that's both effective and idiomatic to functional programming. - ✅ Tackle the common issue of **Null Values** with robust solutions from a functional perspective. --- ### Foundations of Functional Programming: While C# is primarily an object-oriented language, it's also incredibly equipped with features that make functional programming accessible and powerful. Our course will teach you how to harness these features responsibly to write high-quality code. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility! 🎩✨ --- ### Content and Overview: This course is tailored for **C# Developers of all levels**, offering a structured path through the intricacies of functional programming. Our curriculum covers the following critical topics: 1. **Theoretical Foundations** of Functional Programming to lay a solid understanding. 2. **Core Concepts** that will change the way you think about code structure and flow. 3. **Functional Features in C#**, teaching you how to apply these concepts within the .NET framework. 4. **Immutability in C#**, exploring why it's a game-changer for maintaining state. 5. **Extendibility in C#**, learning how to design your code for easy extension and maintenance. 6. **Dealing with Errors** using functional programming techniques, including an exploration of why exceptions might not always be the best solution. 7. **Dealing with Nulls**, understanding the impact of Tony Hoar's "billion-dollar mistake" and how to avoid similar pitfalls. --- ### Key Takeaways: - **C# Clean Code** practices that will set your code apart. - **C# Best Practices** for functional programming. - A deep dive into **Functional Programming in C#**, with practical examples and real-world applications. - **Clean Code in C#** tutorials that will guide you through the transformation of your codebase. --- Join us on this journey to master functional programming within the C# landscape. Elevate your coding skills, architect software solutions with greater confidence, and unlock the full potential of C# today! 🌟 Enroll now and take the first step towards becoming a Functional Programming expert in C#! 🚀✨


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Our review

🏡 **Course Overview:** The course on Functional Programming in C# has received an overwhelmingly positive response from students, with a global rating of 4.00. The reviews highlight the course's clarity in explaining complex topics, its practical wisdom, and its ability to enhance coding disciplines. It is deemed highly beneficial for improving coding practices and providing essential insights for developers at all experience levels. **Pros:** - **Excellent Explanation:** The instructor provides clear and detailed explanations that are particularly beneficial for beginners. - **Practical Wisdom:** Real-world code examples are provided, which are exactly what many learners were looking for. - **Real-World Application:** The course is described as a good insight into Functional Programming and offers practical ways to refactor and organize code better. - **Comprehensive Coverage:** The course structure is succinct yet comprehensive, containing a lot of practice that can be applied in real-world applications. - **Up-to-Date Content:** Students appreciate the course's focus on newer C# features and recommend updates to include the latest C# 8 functionalities. - **Engaging Presentation:** The instructor is commended for making the functional paradigm more palatable and for doing an excellent job overall. - **Beginner-Friendly:** The course is recommended as an excellent introduction to functional programming concepts using C#. - **Approachable Presentation:** The pacing and approach of the course are praised, making it easy for learners to nibble at it over time or complete it in focused sessions. **Cons:** - **Repetitive Content:** Some learners found the repetition of certain concepts, like immutability, to be a bit monotonous and believe this could be streamlined. - **Language and Transcription Issues:** There are reports of accent problems making lectures hard to understand and a few instances of error-filled transcriptions that cause confusion. - **Lack of Practical Exercises:** A notable gap in the course is the absence of practical exercises or projects to apply the concepts taught, which could lead to theoretical understanding without hands-on practice. - **Course Structure and Updates:** Some reviews suggest that the course should be updated with the latest C# features and that some sections may become repetitive for learners who have already taken other related courses from the same instructor. - **Theoretical Focus:** The course is described as a dry toast for most coders and a bit theoretical, which might not appeal to all learning styles or preferences. - **Resource Availability for Practice:** There is a concern about the lack of resources provided within the course to obtain additional classes or materials needed to practice the skills taught. **Student Recommendations:** - **Limiting Repetition:** Trust that students can grasp the importance of concepts like immutability after one or two lectures and move on to more diverse content. - **Incorporating Practical Projects:** Adding a section dedicated to creating a complete project using the concepts taught would enhance the learning experience. - **Keeping Content Up-to-Date:** Regularly updating the course material to include the latest functional programming features and C# language updates. - **Improving Accessibility:** Addressing accent issues and providing accurate transcriptions will make the course more accessible to a wider audience. **Final Verdict:** Overall, the Functional Programming in C# course is highly recommended for its clarity, practical wisdom, and real-world application. With some improvements in content updates, practical exercises, and accessibility, it could become an even more valuable resource for developers looking to expand their knowledge of functional programming within the C# language.



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