GPS Tracking - Setup own GPS Server with android & iOS Apps

GPS Tracking for Dummies - Quick Guide to Setup your own Open Source GPS Server, Android and iOS Clients & Tracking Apps

3.90 (133 reviews)
GPS Tracking - Setup own GPS Server with android & iOS Apps
1 hour
Sep 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Start your Own GPS Server. Provide GPS service to all the client devices or users. All using fully open source software

Why take this course?

--- **GPS Tracking for Dummies - Quick Guide to Setup your own Open Source GPS Server, Android and iOS Clients & Tracking Apps.**🌟

Course Overview:

Embark on a comprehensive journey into the world of GPS tracking with our easy-to-follow online course. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to monitor assets, a business owner aiming to track employee locations, or a tech enthusiast eager to launch a GPS server service, this course is tailored for you. Absolute beginners are also welcome! We'll guide you through the process of setting up your very own GPS server and configuring Android and iOS clients to leverage real-time location tracking.

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for business owners, asset trackers, fleet managers, and tech professionals who aspire to delve into the realm of GPS tracking. Regardless of your technical background or prior experience, this guide will equip you with the necessary skills to establish and manage a GPS server and its clients.

Course Curriculum:

Here's what you can expect to learn in each session: 1. **Understanding GPS Fundamentals:** - How GPS technology works - The basics of satellite communication and position tracking 2. **Setting Up Your VPS Server on AWS:** - Procuring a VPS server from Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Configuring the server to accept client connections 3. **Installing Traccar GPS Server:** - A step-by-step guide to installing the open-source Traccar server - Exploring and configuring server settings for optimal performance 4. **Android & iOS Client Installation and Testing:** - Installing the client application on an Android device - Live demonstration of GPS tracking on a map interface 5. **Managing Android and iOS Devices:** - Configuring devices for efficient tracking - Understanding and utilizing the management interface for both platforms 6. **Deep Dive into GPS Hardware Components:** - Identifying key components in a GPS module - Fitting GPS modules into commercial vehicles or cars 7. **Achieving a Sense of Accomplishment:** - Celebrating your setup and seeing your devices move on the map

What You'll Get:

Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive an experience certificate that can significantly enhance your career in location-based applications. The hands-on skills and knowledge you acquire will enable you to confidently manage and operate a GPS tracking system.

Join Us:

We're excited to have you join our classroom and start this journey together. GPS tracking is not just a technology; it's an art, and mastering it will open doors to new opportunities. Let's embark on this adventure and turn the world of GPS tracking into your playground!

--- **Enroll now and transform the way you think about GPS tracking! 🌍📱➡️🧭**


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Our review

--- **Global Course Rating:** 3.90 --- **Course Overview:** The course has received a mixed bag of reviews from students, with a majority finding it helpful for beginners looking to set up a GPS tracking application using Traccar software and Amazon Web Services (AWS). The course structure is considered intuitive and well-organized, with the instructor, Abhilash, receiving praise for his prompt responses and clear explanations. **Pros of the Course:** - **Ease of Use:** The course is designed to be user-friendly, guiding students through the setup process step-by-step. - **Real-Time Application:** Students can follow along with real-time application setups, integrating GPS hardware with software for tracking in real time. - **Free Hosting on AWS:** Instructions are provided for setting up a free hosting account on Amazon Web Services, which is a valuable skill for many applications. - **Practical Approach:** The course covers practical aspects of setting up a GPS tracking server and application, with hands-on experience being the primary focus. - **Responsive Instructor:** Abhilash is commended for his responsiveness and detailed explanations, making the learning process smoother for learners. - **Versatility in Integration:** The course seems to cover a wide range of GPS hardware integrations, making it suitable for various devices like smartphones, automobile GPS, etc. **Cons of the Course:** - **Limited Depth on Certain Topics:** Some students felt that the course lacked depth, particularly in areas such as SSH and AWS setup details, which could leave learners feeling like they are following blindly without a full understanding. - **Account Configuration Challenges:** A few students encountered challenges with account configuration and setup, indicating that while the course is helpful, some may require additional assistance or resources to navigate these parts successfully. - **Outdated AWS Interface Reference:** There were concerns about the AWS interface instructions being outdated, which could cause confusion for learners trying to follow along with the current AWS environment. - **Language Barrier:** A few students expressed difficulties understanding the English language used in the course, which may affect their learning experience. - **Desire for More Advanced Content:** Some learners, particularly those interested in developing their own GPS tracking platforms beyond the basics, felt that the course did not meet their advanced needs. - **Lack of In-Depth API or Developer Information:** There were requests for more detailed information about GPS tracking devices' REST API design and development, which suggests a need for more advanced content within the course. --- **Student Feedback Highlights:** - **"Great for Beginners":** Many students found the course valuable for starting with GPS tracking using Traccar and AWS, with some indicating that it's a good foundation before moving on to more complex projects. - **"Need for More Detailed Instructions":** Some learners pointed out that while the course is practical, it lacks depth in certain areas, which could be an opportunity for expansion and improvement. - **"Language and Understanding Issues":** A few students noted that language barriers made understanding the course more challenging. - **"Expectation of Advanced Content":** A handful of learners expressed disappointment that the course did not delve into more advanced topics, particularly those interested in app development or customization. - **"Course Worthiness and Recommendations":** The majority of students believe that the course is worth the investment, with several recommending it for beginners and praising the instructor's pedagogical approach. --- In summary, the course has been a valuable learning tool for many beginners looking to implement GPS tracking solutions on AWS. However, there are areas where the content could be expanded or updated, particularly in terms of more advanced technical details and current AWS interface navigation. The feedback from students has been generally positive, with a clear call for additional content to address the gaps identified in the course's coverage.



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