Learn ASP NET with Bootstrap,Entity Framework,JavaScript,C#

Learn to Build Production based Web Applications with Microsoft’s ASP.NET, C#, Entity Framework, JavaScript & Bootstrap.

4.10 (411 reviews)
Programming Languages
Learn ASP NET with Bootstrap,Entity Framework,JavaScript,C#
11 hours
Apr 2016
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Learn Object Oriented Programming Basics with C#

Learn How to Interact with a SQL Server Database using Entity Framework

Learn the basics of the ASPNET Web Forms architecture

Work with Standard, Data, and Validation Controls

Learn About Session Management

Learn the basics of the webconfig file

Work with Linq to Entities for Data Access

Learn to Incorporate Bootstrap with all Standard, Data, and Validation Controls

Learn Bootstrap fundamentals for designing nice user interfaces

Create an ASPNET project and test it in a web browser

Why take this course?

🚀 **Course Title:** Learn ASP.NET with Bootstrap, Entity Framework, JavaScript, C# 🎓 **Course Headline:** Master Production-Grade Web Applications with Microsoft's ASP.NET, C#, Entity Framework, JavaScript & Bootstrap --- 🎉 **Course Description:** **Embark on a Comprehensive Learning Journey with Devwebtuts 24/7** **Overview:** Dive into the world of web development with our comprehensive course that equips you with the essential skills to build robust and responsive ASP.NET applications. Leverage the power of C#, Entity Framework, JavaScript, and Bootstrap to create applications that stand out in the digital landscape. **What You'll Learn:** - **Getting Started:** We kick off with the essential installation of Visual Studio, your powerful toolkit for ASP.NET development. 🛠️ - **UI Design with Bootstrap:** Transform your application's user interface with Bootstrap, the Responsive Design Framework that ensures your app looks stunning across all devices. 🎨 - **Server Control Mastery:** Gain proficiency in using ASP.Net server controls such as Listbox, Dropdownlist, and File Upload to enhance user interaction and experience. 🖥️ - **Data Handling with Entity Framework & Sql Server:** Learn advanced data access techniques using Entity Framework and Sql Server, and understand how to manage data efficiently in your applications. 🗂️ - **Dynamic Data Display:** Implement data controls like Gridview, Formview, and Repeaters to display data dynamically and interactively within your application. 🔤 - **Real-World Application:** Apply your knowledge by creating a fully functional ASP.NET web application that demonstrates the principles learned throughout the course. 🌐 **Skills You'll Acquire:** - A deep understanding of ASP.NET Web Forms and how to structure applications using C# as the programming language. - Expertise in integrating Bootstrap into your ASP.NET projects for a responsive design approach. - Proficiency with Entity Framework and data manipulation within SQL Server databases. - Enhanced JavaScript skills to add interactivity to your web applications. **Course Highlights:** - Hands-on projects that mirror real-world scenarios. 🌍 - Step-by-step guidance from industry experts. 👩‍🏫 - Access to source code for comprehensive understanding and learning. 📚 **Who This Course Is For:** This course is ideal for developers who are looking to enhance their skills in building production-level ASP.NET web applications with a focus on responsive design, data management, and client-side interactivity. Whether you're new to these technologies or looking to sharpen your expertise, this course will provide you with the practical knowledge needed to succeed. **By the end of this course, you will be able to:** - Create advanced ASP.NET web applications that are both functional and visually appealing on any device. 📲 - Implement state-of-the-art user interfaces using Bootstrap. 🎨 - Manage data effectively with Entity Framework and SQL Server within your .NET applications. 🗃️ **Join us on this exciting learning journey, and transform your web development skills with Devwebtuts 24/7! 🚀**


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Our review

👩‍🏫 **Course Overview:** The course in question is designed for beginners and intermediate learners looking to understand ASP.NET and its integration with Bootstrap and jQuery. It seems to cover a broad range of topics within the .Net Framework, aiming to provide a comprehensive introduction to web forms development. The course has received mixed reviews, with some students finding it very helpful for beginners while others have pointed out areas of improvement such as the inclusion of more advanced concepts like security and real-life examples to bridge the gap between theory and practice. **Pros:** - 🎓 **Beginner-Friendly:** Many students who were absolute beginners found the course to be a good starting point for learning ASP.NET, with clear explanations that helped them grasp complex concepts. - ✅ **Coverage of Fundamental Concepts:** The course seems to cover all important aspects of ASP.Net, basic C#, and Entity Framework, according to several reviews. - 📚 **Well-Structured Content:** The structure and flow of the course material were appreciated by some students who found the key concepts well-enforced with good coding examples. - 👍 **Step-by-Step Guidance:** Some learners highlighted the step-by-step approach that was helpful in understanding the development process. - 💬 **Responsive Instructor:** At least one student mentioned a positive experience with the instructor's prompt response to a query and the practical application learned within the first few lessons of the course. **Cons:** - ⏭️ **Rapid Presentation:** A significant concern raised by students was that the tutor moved too quickly through content, which can lead to losing track of the explanation or needing to pause frequently. - 🚫 **Outdated Technologies:** Some learners were disappointed that the course used an outdated version of Visual Studio (2013), as opposed to the latest version available at the time of enrollment. This was a notable letdown for those expecting up-to-date content. - 🤫 **Annoying Audio:** A few students found the tutor's occasional snorting to be distracting and, over time, annoying. - 🧐 **Assumed Prior Knowledge:** Some reviews indicated that the course assumed a certain level of pre-existing knowledge in HTML and C#, making it difficult for complete beginners to keep up without prior exposure to these topics. **General Feedback:** - The course has been commended for its comprehensive coverage of basic concepts, but some students felt it lacked the depth needed for more advanced learners or those seeking a deeper understanding of certain aspects like security within the .Net Framework. - The quality of the course content and the instruction methods have been both praised and criticized, with some learners finding the approach very effective while others found it challenging to follow due to the pace and potential gaps in preparation. - The course has been recommended as a starting point for beginners interested in learning ASP.NET, C#, Entity Framework, and Bootstrap, but it is suggested that students with prior knowledge will benefit more from this course. - The instructor's overall performance was appreciated for their clear explanations, helpful side notes, and responsiveness to student queries. However, some improvements in presentation style and content preparation are recommended to enhance the learning experience. **Recommendation:** This course is suitable for beginners who are new to ASP.NET and want to understand its integration with Bootstrap and jQuery. It would also be beneficial for those who have a basic understanding of C# and HTML, as the course moves at a pace that assumes some level of familiarity with these technologies. It is recommended that students expecting to work with the latest versions of Visual Studio should verify which version is used in the course before enrolling. Overall, with some improvements, this course has the potential to be an excellent resource for aspiring developers.



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Enrollment distribution

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