New SAT Math Course

grasp the new SAT math skill in all sections

4.50 (152 reviews)
Test Prep
New SAT Math Course
2 hours
Jun 2018
last update
regular price

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Why take this course?

🎓 **Unlock Your SAT Math Potential with New SAT Math Course by Kim Chen!** --- ### **Course Summary:** Discover the power of strategic problem-solving in the **Complete New SAT Math Course**. Join Kim Chen as she guides you through mastering the revised SAT math section. This isn't just about solving problems; it's about solving them *efficiently* and *accurately*. Learn to navigate the new types of questions with ease, avoiding unnecessary steps that waste your valuable time. --- ### **Why Take This Course?** - **Learn the Latest:** Dive into the newest SAT math concepts tailored for the revised test. - **Think Strategically:** Develop a direct approach to solving problems by following Kim's step-by-step strategies. - **Achieve Your Goals:** Whether you're aiming for a passing score or an exceptional one, this course equips you with the tools you need to succeed. - **Examination Readiness:** Master the skills covered in this course and feel confident and prepared for your SAT exam. 🔑 **Key Takeaways:** - Understand the new question formats. - Learn efficient problem-solving techniques. - Enhance your critical thinking skills for math. - Gain confidence in tackling the SAT math section. --- **What You'll Learn:** 1. **The New Question Formats:** Get familiar with the fresh types of problems you'll encounter on the new SAT. 2. **Strategic Problem-Solving:** Discover methods to approach and solve questions without unnecessary complexity. 3. **Efficient Techniques:** Save time with every problem by learning how to get straight to the solution. 4. **Accurate Answers:** Ensure your solutions are precise and reduce the likelihood of careless errors. --- **Your Learning Journey:** - **Step-by-Step Tutorials:** Follow Kim Chen's detailed explanations for each concept and question type. - **Realistic Practice:** Test your skills with practice questions that mimic the actual SAT exam. - **Progress Tracking:** Monitor your improvements and pinpoint areas where you need more focus. - **Expert Guidance:** Get personalized tips and feedback from a seasoned SAT instructor. --- **Ready to Elevate Your SAT Math Score?** 🚀 Don't wait any longer! Enroll in the **New SAT Math Course** today and embark on your journey to mastering the new SAT math section. With expert guidance, effective strategies, and a wealth of practice problems, you'll be well-prepared for success. 📚 Click on that **enroll button!!!** and let's get started! Your future self will thank you for it. 🙌 --- **Enrollment is Open – Secure Your Spot Now!** Join the ranks of successful SAT test-takers. Elevate your math skills with Kim Chen's **Complete New SAT Math Course** and unlock your potential to achieve an outstanding score on the new SAT! 🌟 [Enroll Now](#)! 🎉

Our review

**Overall Course Rating:** 4.50/5 The course has received high praise from recent reviewers, with most noting its effectiveness in improving their understanding and confidence in mathematics. However, there are a few areas where the course could be improved based on the feedback provided. ### **Pros:** - **Comprehensive Content:** Reviewers have found the course to be very good and helpful, particularly for solving sums and gaining confidence in mathematical problem-solving. - **Quality of Explanations:** Kim's explanations are described as logical and concise, making complex ideas easier to understand. - **Real World Application:** The course has enabled students to apply the knowledge gained to solve problems not only within the course but also independently. - **Supportive Materials:** There is a general appreciation for the examples provided in the course, which are varied in complexity. - **Positive Impact on Confidence:** Students report an increase in confidence when approaching mathematical problems after completing the course. - **Engagement with Quizzes and Solutions:** The inclusion of quizzes and step-by-step solutions to the problems has been well received, as it allows students to test their understanding. ### **Cons:** - **Errors in Course Materials:** A few errors have been identified in the quizzes, including incorrect answers provided and minor miscalculations in videos. - **Inaccurate Question Prompts:** There are instances where the question prompts read are not accurate or may be confusing to students. - **Data Inconsistencies:** Some questions within the course contain incorrect data, which can lead to invalid questions. - **Accent Clarity:** Some students have found Kim's accent slightly difficult to understand at times. - **Quizzes Frequency and Complexity:** There is a suggestion that more quizzes could be beneficial for practice and understanding, as well as the complexity of the examples increasing, which may require students to already possess a basic knowledge of maths. ### **Additional Notes:** - **Quiz Correction:** One reviewer specifically pointed out an error in quiz 3, question 3, suggesting the correct answer should be 36/11. - **Course Readability:** There is a comment highlighting the need for more accurate reading of question prompts to avoid confusion and ensure that students are assessed on their understanding rather than misinterpreted questions. - **Accent Clarification:** It has been recommended that Kim could improve clarity by making his accent clearer, which would enhance comprehension for all students. In conclusion, the course is highly regarded but does have some areas where improvements can be made, particularly in correcting any errors in the materials and ensuring that all question prompts are accurate and clear to avoid confusion. With these adjustments addressed, the course has the potential to be even more beneficial to students looking to enhance their mathematical skills.



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