Node with React: Build & Deploy a Fullstack Web Application

Build & deploy a social network app using React, Typescript, MongoDB, Redis, Queues, AWS, Terraform, CircleCI & more.

4.20 (245 reviews)
Web Development
Node with React: Build & Deploy a Fullstack Web Application
91.5 hours
Aug 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Build a MERN (MongoDb, Express, React, Node) fullstack app

Build an amazing social network application

Define Infrastructure as Code using Terraform to easily create and destroy environment

Setup Continuous Integration/Delivery Pipeline

Integrate Terraform into CI/CD Pipeline

Deploy full-scale application to AWS

Use Redis for caching

Setup Redis message queues and workers

Learn to write unit tests for Frontend and Backend apps

User AWS services like VPC, subnets, internet gateways, EC2, route53, elasticache, S3, cloudfront, load balancer, autoscaling group and much more.

Setup Online Dev, Staging and Production Environments

Integrate Slack in the CI/CD Pipeline

Build custom react hooks

Setup redux-toolkit

Why take this course?

React is one of the most popular library's for building client apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you want to establish yourself as a front-end or full-stack developer, you need to learn React.

This course follows a hands-on approach or 'learn-by-doing, which means the whole course is structured around building a fullstack web application and the different concepts will be explained detailedly as they are introduced.

What's this course about?

This course is about building a complete fullstack web application from scratch using popular development tools. The curriculum for this course is going to be very hands on as we walk from start to finish building and deploying the application to production. The course is structured into 2 main parts:

  • Development (Backend and Frontend)

  • Deployment (Infrastructure setup on AWS and CI/CD)

Each structure is broken down into its sections.

  • Backend development

  • Backend deployment

  • Frontend development

  • Frontend deployment

Students can go through all the sections or just the sections they are most interested in.

What Technology You'll Use

We are building a real-time fullstack application with Continuous integration/delivery and automatic deployment, we'll use a variety of technologies.


  • React

  • Redux-toolkit

  • NodeJS

  • Typescript and Javascript

  • Redis

  • MongoDB and Mongoose

  • Message queues

  • SocketIO

  • Jest for unit test

  • Cloudinary for image and video upload

  • Nodemailer and Sendgrid mail

  • and much more...

Infrastructure Setup and Deployment

  • Terraform

  • AWS

  • CircleCI

Numerous AWS resources will be used. Some of those resources are:

- VPC and subnets

- Internet gateways

- Route tables

- NAT gateways and elastic ips

- Security groups

- Load balancers

- Autoscaling groups

- EC2 instances

- Route53

- S3

- Code deploy

- Elasticache for redis clusters

- and much more

Not familiar with some of these? No problem! This course will guide you on how to setup and use these technologies in your apps.

What You'll Be Able to Do

By the time you complete this course or one of the sections you are interested in, you'll be able

  • Build a real-time fullstack application

  • Setup unit tests in both your React application and NodeJS backend application

  • Setup CI/CD Pipeline

  • Setup Automatic Deployment

  • Create AWS Resources using Terraform

  • Integrate Terraform into CircleCI Pipeline

  • Setup Multiple Online Environments (Dev, Staging and Production)

  • Use GitHub w/ CircleCI

  • Use Feature Branches on GitHub

  • Write unit tests

  • Create Custom React Components

  • Setup Redux-toolkit

  • Upload images and videos

  • And More...


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Our review

📝 **Overall Course Review** The **Global course rating** stands at an impressive **4.20**, with all recent reviews pointing towards a highly positive reception. The consensus among learners is that this is an exceptional course with a deep dive into the MERN stack, offering a comprehensive learning experience. It is described as "superb," "astonishing," and "AMAZING!" by users who have completed significant portions of the course. **Pros:** - 🎓 **Comprehensive Curriculum**: The course covers a wide array of topics, including Redis & MongoDB, TypeScript, JavaScript, and advanced object-oriented programming patterns, providing a holistic understanding of full-stack development. - 🚀 **Advanced Knowledge**: It is praised for its advanced content that turns software developers into software architects by teaching best practices, performance, monitoring, and observability. - 🛠️ **Industrial Standards**: The course emphasizes coding standards and best practices, ensuring that the skills learned are applicable to real-world industrial scenarios. - 🌍 **Real-World Application**: Learners appreciate the practical, production-level code examples that are well-written and explain concepts clearly. - 🤝 **Responsive Instructor**: The instructor is commended for responding to questions and providing guidance, although some feedback suggests improvements in clarity and pedagogical approach. **Cons:** - 🛠️ **Pedagogical Challenges**: Some learners find the course's educational approach lacking, with concepts not fully explained and reliance on external resources to understand new topics. - 🖥️ **Windows Compatibility**: There are reports of issues when using Windows platforms, which might affect some learners. - 🌍 **Production Challenges**: While the course is comprehensive, some users encounter difficulties in making the code work smoothly in production environments. - 📜 **Assumption of Prior Knowledge**: Although advertised as requiring only basic JavaScript knowledge, some parts of the course assume prior TypeScript understanding, leading to confusion for beginners or even intermediate developers. **Learner Experience:** The course is described as "a start-up in a box," offering a complete package with production-level code. It is particularly beneficial for those who have prior experience and are looking to solidify their knowledge or expand into new areas like AWS deployment. The learning journey can be enriched by complementing the instruction with additional research when encountering new concepts. In summary, this MERN stack course is highly recommended for its depth and coverage of advanced topics. However, learners should be aware that it may require a certain level of prior knowledge and occasional supplemental learning to fully grasp all the material presented. The instructor's technical expertise is evident, and the course is undoubtedly valuable despite some educational shortcomings and platform-specific challenges.



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