PL/SQL Oracle Database Administration: Server UNIX & Queries

PL/SQL Oracle Database Administration: Server UNIX & Queries, Microsoft Access, System Administration & SQL Commands

3.40 (111 reviews)
PL/SQL Oracle Database Administration: Server UNIX & Queries
3.5 hours
Feb 2018
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Database Terminologies

Basic Concepts of SQL

Learning Different RDBMS

Various Syntaxes of SQL

Data Types in SQL

SQL Operators & Expressions in SQL

SQL Wildcards & Constraints

Data Manipulation in Oracle SQL

Creating Your First Database

Tables in Oracle SQL

Create & Drop Table

Queries in Oracle SQL

Insert, Select, Update & Delete Query

Clauses of SQL

Where, And & Or, Order By, Group By, Like & Top, Having Clause

Why take this course?

🌟 **Master PL/SQL Oracle Database Administration with Confidence** 🌟 --- ### Are You Ready to Command PL/SQL like a Pro? **Do you want to learn, master and use PL/SQL?** If your answer is yes, then you're in the right place! Don't let the complexity of PL/SQL hold you back from excelling in Oracle database management, system administration, or developing with Microsoft Access. With my comprehensive PL/SQL course, you can unlock the full potential of these technologies and streamline your workflow. --- ### What This Course Offers You **What Is In This Course?** Your Oracle PL/SQL skills will never be the same after completing this course. I'll guide you through the essentials of declaring PL/SQL variables, leveraging event triggers, crafting stored procedures, and navigating the Oracle database like a seasoned professional. Plus, you'll gain invaluable insights from industry experts, all for a price comparable to a meal! πŸ” --- ### Curriculum Overview - **Core PL/SQL Concepts:** Understand the building blocks of PL/SQL and how they fit into your projects. - **Advanced Oracle Features:** Learn about packages, triggers, and program units to enhance your database's performance and functionality. - **Comprehensive SQL Knowledge:** Master the basic concepts of SQL, different RDBMS, various SQL syntaxes, data types, operators, expressions, wildcards, constraints, and more. - **Practical Application:** From creating your first database to executing complex queries, apply what you learn in real-world scenarios. --- ### Who Is This Course For? This course is tailored for: - **Database Administrators** who want to streamline their operations and maintain optimum performance. - **SQL Developers** aiming to write clean, efficient code. - **Application Designers and Developers** looking to integrate robust database functionalities into their applications. - **Aspiring Learners** eager to grasp the intricacies of PL/SQL for personal or professional growth. --- ### The Importance of Learning PL/SQL **Why To Learn PL/SQL?** There's a reason why PL/SQL is considered a cornerstone in Oracle database administration and development. It's not just about writing code; it's about writing code that makes sense to humans and computers alike. As Martin Fowler, an esteemed author and speaker, once said, "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand." Let's ensure you're not just another fool in the crowd. πŸ˜‰ --- ### Course Benefits - **Performance Improvement:** Learn to optimize your database operations for superior performance. - **Organized Codes:** Discover techniques for writing clean, maintainable code. - **Real-World Application:** Apply the concepts learned in a practical setting, ensuring you're ready to tackle real-world challenges. - **Expert Guidance:** Benefit from my expertise and experience in PL/SQL, Oracle database management, and system administration. --- ### Your Next Steps Are you ready to take your skills to the next level? If so, why wait any longer? With our 100% risk-free guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Click on the "Buy Now" button today and embark on a journey to PL/SQL mastery! πŸš€ --- **Thank you for considering my course. I'm confident that you'll find it incredibly valuable and I can't wait to share every bit of my knowledge and experience with you. Let's dive into the exciting world of PL/SQL together!** πŸ±β€πŸ«πŸš€ Click on the "Buy Now" button and transform your expertise today! Your future PL/SQL self will thank you. πŸ˜‰πŸ’–


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January 2, 2020
this was not what I expected, nothing much about PL/SQL. over 2 hours of the 3.5 hr lecture was just audio. AWFUL. total waste of my money
September 27, 2018
I'm not sure I will finish listening to this course. I feel it would be easier and more useful to read a book. At least that way, I could go read at my own pace and go back and re-read tough sections. This is the worst course I've bought from Udemy. The guy may or may not know anything about Oracle, but all he's doing here is reading off a page. He's missing words, mispronouncing words, and generally sounds nervous, very dry and boring. To keep interest, some graphics might help, and perhaps build the examples from the beginning to the end with the same scenario, so that there's some familiar data points each time.



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