Project Based Python Programming For Kids & Beginners

Learn Hands-On Python Programming By Creating Games, GUIs and Graphics

4.41 (860 reviews)
Programming Languages
Project Based Python Programming For Kids & Beginners
5 hours
Sep 2021
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Build simple Python based games using programming loops and functions

Draw graphics using the Python module Turtle

Build Python Graphical User Interfaces(GUI) with Tkinter

Get a handle on working with Python 2 and 3

Be able to use the in-built Python modules for their own projects

Beginners and children will be able to create their own projects and advance to more complicated concepts

Use Microsoft Visual Studio Code-a powerful IDLE for practical programming and development in Python and other languages

Why take this course?

🌟 **Dive into the World of Python with Minerva Singh's "Project-Based Python Programming for Kids & Beginners"** 🌟 --- ### Course Headline: **Learn Hands-On Python Programming By Creating Games, GUIs and Graphics** --- ### Course Description: Beginners and Kids Can Now Learn Python the Fun and Easy Way Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of coding? Whether you're a curious kid or an adult beginner, this course will guide you through the fundamentals of Python by building games, graphics, and user-friendly interfaces from scratch. Unlike other programming languages, Python is known for its readability and simplicity, making it an ideal first language to learn. --- ### What You'll Learn: **Foundational Python Skills:** Learn the basics of Python syntax, control structures, functions, and data structures essential for coding. **Creating Engaging Games:** Design your own games that are not only fun to play but also serve as practical examples of programming concepts. **Building User Interfaces:** Develop intuitive graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using Python, which can be used for various applications. **Graphics and Visualization:** Explore the world of visual programming by creating dynamic graphs, charts, and images with Python. **Real-World Applications:** Discover how Python is used across industries, from tech giants like Google and NASA to scientific research and data analysis. --- ### Why Learn Python? - **Versatility:** Python is a multi-paradigm language suitable for web development, automation scripts, complex mathematical computations, and much more. - **Community Support:** A strong and supportive community that contributes to an extensive library of modules and tools. - **Future-Proof Skill:** Python continues to grow in popularity, making it a valuable skill for the future. --- ### Who Uses Python? Python is the language of choice for leading tech companies such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, IBM, and NASA, and it's widely used for scientific computations and data analysis. By mastering Python, you'll be equipped to join this elite group of programmers. --- ### Course Features: - **Step-by-Step Guidance:** Learn through clear, concise video lectures that walk you through the concepts with real-life examples. - **Hands-On Coding:** Get your hands dirty with practical coding exercises and projects to solidify your understanding. - **Quizzes for Reinforcement:** Test your knowledge as you progress through the course to ensure a thorough grasp of topics covered. - **Oxbridge Trained Instructor:** Benefit from the expertise of an Oxbridge trained researcher who is always available to help troubleshoot and answer questions. - **Certification of Completion:** Earn an industry recognized Certificate upon finishing the course, showcasing your newfound skills. --- ### No Risk, Unlimited Potential: - **Free Preview:** Watch preview videos from different sections to get a feel for the course before you commit. - **30-Day Money-Back Guarantee:** Enroll with confidence knowing you can get a full refund if you're not satisfied within 30 days. --- ### Sign Up Now: Embark on your programming adventure today and learn Python in a fun, interactive way that will set you up for success in the tech industry. **Join Minerva Singh's "Project-Based Python Programming for Kids & Beginners" course and unlock your potential!** 🚀 --- ### Embrace the Future with Python – Enroll Now and Start Your Coding Journey! 💻✨


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Our review

🏆 **Course Review for Python Programming for Kids and Beginners** **Overall Rating:** 4.35/5 ## Course Highlights - **Comprehensive Coverage:** The course covers all the basics of Python programming, making it ideal for beginners and kids. - **Real-World Applicability:** It provides practical knowledge that can be applied to real-world scenarios, enhancing the learning experience. - **Engaging Instruction:** Instructors are noted for their ability to make lectures interesting and engaging. - **Clear Explanations:** The concepts are explained clearly, which helps in understanding the fundamentals of Python. - **Progressive Learning:** The course is structured in a way that allows learners to progress from basic to more advanced topics. - **Innovative Design:** The course design is innovative and has vast potential for practical use. - **Highly Recommended:** Most reviewers found the course valuable and are recommending it to others. ## Pros ✅ **Solid Foundation:** The course lays a strong foundation in Python, which is essential for further learning and development in programming. ✅ **Well-Structured Content:** The content is structured in a logical manner, making it easier to follow and learn. ✅ **Clear and Effective Presentation:** Instructors deliver the material with clarity and effectiveness, ensuring concepts are well understood. ✅ **Hands-On Approach:** A hands-on approach to learning encourages practical application of skills learned. ✅ **Positive Impact on Learning:** Many reviewers reported a significant improvement in their understanding and ability to code after taking the course. ## Cons ❌ **Technical Issues:** Some users experienced technical difficulties such as videos not loading or scripts freezing, which hindered their learning experience. ❌ **Accessibility Concerns:** A few reviewers had issues with video quality on certain devices, like Macbooks or Windows computers, and felt the course lacked structure for beginners. ❌ **Response Time for Queries:** There were complaints about slow responses from instructors when seeking help. ❌ **Language and Pronunciation:** One reviewer found it challenging to understand the instructor due to pronunciation issues, which could potentially affect learning. ❌ **Value for Money Concerns:** A couple of reviewers felt that despite its potential, some aspects of the course did not justify the cost. ## Additional Feedback - Some users encountered technical difficulties that affected their learning experience, suggesting improvements in the course delivery platform. - A few reviewers suggested that the course could be improved by offering more structured guidance for beginners and clearer instructions on using Python across different operating systems. - The response time from instructors for queries was noted as an area for improvement to ensure a supportive learning environment. ## Final Verdict Despite some technical issues and areas for improvement, the course "Python Programming for Kids and Beginners" is highly regarded by most users for its comprehensive content, clear instruction, and practical application. It's a valuable resource for beginners looking to learn Python and can be an excellent starting point in their programming journey. With a few tweaks to address the cons mentioned, this course could provide an even more enriching experience for all learners.



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