R Programming for Statistics and Data Science

R Programming for Data Science & Data Analysis. Applying R for Statistics and Data Visualization with GGplot2 in R

4.63 (5059 reviews)
Data Science
R Programming for Statistics and Data Science
6.5 hours
Aug 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Learn the fundamentals of programming in R

Work with R’s conditional statements, functions, and loops

Build your own functions in R

Get your data in and out of R

Learn the core tools for data science with R

Manipulate data with the Tidyverse ecosystem of packages

Systematically explore data in R

The grammar of graphics and the ggplot2 package

Visualise data: plot different types of data & draw insights

Transform data: best practices of when and how

Index, slice, and subset data

Learn the fundamentals of statistics and apply them in practice

Hypothesis testing in R

Understand and carry out regression analysis in R

Work with dummy variables

Learn to make decisions that are supported by the data!

Have fun by taking apart Star Wars and Pokemon data, as well some more serious data sets

Why take this course?

🌟 **R Programming for Statistics and Data Science 2023** 🌟 --- ### Course Headline: **Master R for Data Science & Data Analysis with GGplot2** 🚀 ---

Unlock the full potential of data with R Programming!

R Programming is an indispensable skill in today's world, especially if you're aiming for a career in data analysis or data science.
Data scientist has been ranked as the hottest profession in the US, and R is one of the leading languages that can help you excel in this field. Pair that with robust statistical knowledge, and you're set to conquer your data challenges! 📊

This comprehensive course bundles all the essentials of R programming for statistics and data science into one streamlined learning experience. It's the perfect starting point for your journey towards mastering data analysis.

Embark on a transformative learning adventure with R for Statistics and Data Science! 🛣️

--- ### Course Overview: - **Foundational Coding Skills**: We begin by introducing the basics of R programming, ensuring that even beginners can follow along and develop their skills. - **Introductory Guide to Statistics**: Gain a solid understanding of statistics, from descriptive to inferential, through a structured and engaging curriculum. - **Programming Essentials**: Dive deep into the essentials of R-based programming, enhancing your abilities beyond mere data analysis. - **Data Manipulation Mastery**: Learn advanced techniques for manipulating data, utilizing R's powerful tools and functions to streamline your workflow. - **Data Visualization & Plots**: Create impactful visualizations with GGplot2, turning raw data into compelling narratives. --- ### Course Features: - **Well-Paced Learning**: Content has been carefully crafted to challenge you just enough for meaningful learning experiences. 🎓 - **Comprehensive Statistics Training**: From confidence intervals to hypothesis testing, regression, and cluster analysis, we cover the fundamentals in depth. - **Hands-On Practical Exercises**: Put your knowledge into practice with a variety of exercises designed to solidify your learning and enhance your problem-solving skills. --- ### What You'll Learn: - **Data Structures**: Master working with vectors, matrices, data frames, and lists in R. - **Tidyverse Package**: Become proficient in the Tidyverse package, a suite of tools for data manipulation that will revolutionize your approach to data analysis. - **Advanced Data Analysis Techniques**: Learn the ins and outs of indexing, subsetting, spreading, gathering, ordering, and more within R. - **Data Visualization & Plots**: Create sophisticated data visualizations with GGplot2, transforming your data into meaningful insights and compelling plots. 📈 --- ### Real-World Application: - **Practice Exercises**: Apply what you learn through hands-on practice, reinforcing your skills through real-world applications. - **Homework & Projects**: Challenge yourself with a variety of homework assignments and projects, designed to help you apply your knowledge independently or with the guidance of our video tutorials. --- ### Certification: Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a verifiable certificate of completion that you can download and share with potential employers. This certification is a testament to your newfound skills in data manipulation and analysis using R. Add it to your CV or LinkedIn profile to showcase your expertise! 🏆 --- If this course aligns with your goals and interests, we warmly invite you to join us in the classroom and start your journey towards becoming a proficient R user for data science and statistics! 🎉 Enroll now and take the first step towards an exciting career in data!


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Our review

🏆 **Overall Course Rating: 4.57/5** ## Course Review Summary The course has received high praise from recent reviews, with an average rating of 4.57 out of 5 stars. The majority of the feedback indicates that the lessons are very good and well-structured, providing a solid foundation in R programming. Many learners appreciate the instructor's clear explanations, engaging personality, and the practical nature of the hands-on exercises. ### Pros: - **Comprehensive Content:** The course content is described as outstanding, with a great match between the exercises and the programming part they are intended to teach. - **Clear and Engaging Instruction:** Instructors are noted for explaining fundamental programming basics in a clear, easy-to-follow manner, with some praising the instructor's English-speaking skills for enhancing comprehension. - **Hands-On Learning:** The practical nature of the course is highly regarded, with learners finding the exercises well-set up and enabling them to work hands-on with the material. - **Step-by-Step Approach:** The step-by-step approach in teaching concepts such as loops is appreciated for its clarity and visual aids provided. - **Beginner Friendly:** For those with a background in coding, the course is said to be especially easier and beneficial. - **Engaging and Fun:** The quirky and nerdy examples used by the instructor make the lessons more enjoyable and less monotonous. ### Cons: - **Pace of Learning:** Some learners found the course or parts of it to be a bit quick, which could pose challenges for those not mathematically inclined or new to the field. - **Theoretical Concepts:** A few reviews suggest that some theoretical concepts are explained too quickly and might be harder to grasp without prior knowledge. - **Language Pronunciation:** One reviewer pointed out some issues with the English language rhythm of the speaker, including sudden accelerations and loss of proper pronunciation. - **Resource Availability:** There is a suggestion for additional resources such as notes and slides to be provided for learners to refer back to. - **Feedback Timelines:** One learner requested clear timelines for when they can expect feedback after submitting their exercises, which would help in planning their learning process. - **Project-Based Problems:** A recommendation for more project-based problem solving to keep motivation high and to apply the skills learned in a practical context. - **Technical Issues:** One learner encountered issues with commands and statements not running in RStudio, indicating a possible technical hiccup that may affect some users. ## Recommendation: This course is highly recommended for beginners looking to get into R programming, as well as those who have prior coding experience. The positive feedback and high rating suggest that the course is engaging, educational, and well-organized. However, it's noted that learners with a weak background in statistics or mathematics might find some parts of the course challenging due to the pace and complexity of the content. It's recommended that future learners consider these points and prepare accordingly. Additionally, it would be beneficial for the course developers to address the technical issue reported and to ensure that all learners have access to comprehensive resources for a better learning experience.



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