Howard Carter And The Search For Tutankhamun

An Ancient Egypt History Course: A Detailed Study of the Egyptologist Howard Carter and his Search for Tutankhamun

4.35 (27 reviews)
Howard Carter And The Search For Tutankhamun
1.5 hours
Feb 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

You will learn all about the archaeologist and egyptologist, Howard Carter; his motivation, determination and his relationship with Lord Carnarvon

You will cover the search for Tutankhamun's tomb in detail, as well as the wonderful discovery of the Antechamber, Annexe, Burial Chamber and Treasury

You will develop your knowledge of the Boy Pharaoh, Tutankhamun: his life, reign and the mysteries surrounding his death

You will better understand the social, religious and political landscape of Ancient Egypt

You will be able to familiarise yourself with the Curse of Tutankhamun; learn about Egyptian superstitions, the mysterious deaths that followed the opening of the tomb and the reasons why the media inflated the idea of a curse

You will learn all about the Legacy of Tutankhamun and the cultural impact King Tut had in the 20th Century

Why take this course?

πŸš€ **Discover the Secrets of Ancient Egypt with "Howard Carter and The Search for Tutankhamun"** πŸ“š **Course Overview:** Unlock the mysteries of one of the most captivating archaeological discoveries in history through this comprehensive online course. Dive into the life and career of the legendary explorer, Howard Carter, as we trace his journey to uncover the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Join us on a historical adventure that spans from the sands of Egypt to the heart of its ancient wonders. πŸ” **Course Highlights:** - **Early Life and Career of Howard Carter:** Gain insights into the man behind the discovery, his early years, and how he became one of the most renowned archaeologists of his time. - **The Partnership with Lord Carnarvon:** Explore the dynamic between Carter and his financial backer, Lord Carnarvon, and how their collaboration led to groundbreaking findings. 🏺 **The Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb:** Relive the excitement of the discovery day by day. Learn about the four chambers within the tomb and the treasures they held. Each room has a tale to tell, from the Antechamber to the Treasury, you'll learn about the artifacts that have reshaped our understanding of Ancient Egypt. - **Tutankhamun: A Pharaoh's Story:** Delve into Tutankhamun's reign, his family lineage, and the political climate of his time. Discover the circumstances surrounding his death and the controversies that have surrounded this young king for centuries. 🌟 **The Legacy of King Tut:** Reflect on the impact of the discovery on popular culture in the 1920s and how it has influenced modern-day interest in Ancient Egypt. Discuss the infamous "Curse of the Pharaohs" and the media sensation that followed the opening of the tomb. πŸ“š **Course Materials:** - **Video Lectures:** Engage with over 40 detailed video lessons that bring the history to life. - **Did You Know Snippets:** Get fascinating historical facts that complement your learning experience. - **Quizzes:** Test your knowledge with multiple-choice quizzes at the end of each section. πŸŽ“ **Why Enroll in This Course?** This course is perfect for anyone intrigued by Ancient Egyptian History or those looking to enrich their understanding of Howard Carter's work and the search for Tutankhamun. It serves as an excellent supplementary material for students studying the subject at any level, from high school to university. Whether you're a history enthusiast or an educator seeking to expand your teaching resources, this course offers a rich learning journey that will leave you with a deeper appreciation for one of history's most incredible tales. πŸ“† **Join us on this historical odyssey and uncover the secrets of Howard Carter's search for Tutankhamun. Your adventure into Ancient Egypt begins now!** πŸ‘‘ Enroll today and step into the sands of time with "Howard Carter and The Search for Tutankhamun" - where history comes alive! πŸΊπŸ•°οΈ


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Our review

🏫 **Course Review: The Discovery of King Tut - Ancient Egypt in the Early 20th Century** ## Overview The course provides a comprehensive overview of Egypt during the early 20th century, focusing on the monumental discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter. It effectively combines the thrill of archeology with the rich history of ancient Egypt, offering both broad and detailed perspectives on the subject matter. ## Pros - **Engaging Content**: The course content is vibrant and engaging, with a focus on key historical events and figures. - **Informative Sections**: The inclusion of "Did you Know?" sections enhances learning by providing bite-sized pieces of history that are both interesting and educational. - **Effective Learning Tools**: Quizzes within the course serve as practical tools to reinforce the key information learned throughout the modules. - **Captivating Narrative**: The story of Tutankhamun's discovery is told in a way that is both exciting and informative, keeping learners engaged. - **Quality Production**: The production value of the lectures and videos is high, making for an immersive learning experience. - **In-depth Analysis**: The course delves into both the archaeological quest and discovery, as well as the historical context of ancient Egypt, providing a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. - **Educational Value**: The course is deemed excellent by many reviewers, offering significant insight into Tutankhamun and his era. ## Cons - **Accessibility Issues**: Some users with hearing impairments had difficulty with auto-generated captions, which were not always accurate or readable, suggesting the need for improved captioning services. - **Desire for More Focused Content**: While many aspects of the course were appreciated, some learners expressed a desire for more detailed coverage of specific topics such as hieroglyphs and other historical issues. ## Additional Feedback - **User Experience**: The course was enjoyable and exceeded expectations for those who entered with casual curiosity. - **Recommendation**: It is highly recommended by users for anyone interested in the history of ancient Egypt, particularly the tale of Tutankhamun. - **Educational Impact**: The course has been a source of fascination for learners with varying levels of prior knowledge about King Tutankhamun and his reign. ## Final Verdict The course on "The Discovery of King Tut - Ancient Egypt in the Early 20th Century" is a well-received and informative educational experience, earning a solid 4.35 out of 5 stars from recent reviewers. It is recommended for its engaging narrative, comprehensive coverage of the subject matter, and practical learning tools like quizzes that help reinforce key points. While there are areas for improvement in terms of accessibility and content depth, overall, the course stands as a valuable educational resource for students and history enthusiasts alike.



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