The Ultimate Authentication Course with NodeJS and Svelte

Authenticate with Access & Refresh Tokens, 2FA, Social Authentication with Google etc.

4.00 (19 reviews)
Web Development
The Ultimate Authentication Course with NodeJS and Svelte
3 hours
Feb 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Use NodeJS with Typescript

Use TypeORM with MySQL

Use Access & Refresh Tokens

Send Emails

Login using 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) with Google Authenticator

Social Authentication using your Google Account

Use Svelte with Typescript

Why take this course?

Welcome to this course where you will learn everything you need to know to secure your VueJS and NodeJS app.

In NodeJS you will learn: 

  • Use NodeJS with Typescript

  • Use TypeORM with MySQL

  • Use Access & Refresh Tokens

  • Use HttpOnly Cookies

  • Send Emails

  • Login using 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) with Google Authenticator

  • Social Authentication using your Google Account

In Svelte you will learn:

  • Use Svelte with Typescript

  • Create components and routes

  • Consume API calls

  • Create QRCodes

  • Social Authentication using your Google Account

If these are what you are looking for then this course is for you.

I'm a FullStack Developer with 10+ years of experience. I'm obsessed with clean code and I try my best that my courses have the cleanest code possible.

My teaching style is very straightforward, I will not waste too much time explaining all the ways you can create something or other unnecessary information to increase the length of my lectures. If you want to learn things rapidly then this course is for you.

I also update my courses regularly over time because I don't want them to get outdated. So you can expect more content over time from just one course with better video and audio quality.

If you have any coding problems I will offer my support within 12 hours when you post the question. I'm very active when trying to help my students.

So what are you waiting for, give this course a try and you won't get disappointed.


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Our review

📚 **Course Review: "Mastering Web Authentication"** **Overview:** The course "Mastering Web Authentication" has received a global rating of 4.00, indicating that it is a high-quality and well-received educational resource on the topic of web authentication. The recent reviews from students have provided valuable feedback on various aspects of the course content, presentation style, and practical application. **Pros:** - **Content Theme:** The course's content is described as very illustrative, helping students to understand complex concepts related to web authentication. - **Direct & Point Style:** The presentation style is noted for being direct and to the point, which is beneficial for learners who prefer clear and concise instruction. - **Introduction to New Skills:** Several reviewers have mentioned learning new skills, such as TypeScript, which was not previously known to them. - **Educational Value:** The course is recognized as being great and very educative, with concepts like authenticating with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) being explained with hands-on examples. - **Practice Opportunities:** Some students appreciate the good practice applied within the course, which helps solidify their learning. **Cons:** - **Outdated Content:** A significant concern is that some of the content is outdated, requiring students to seek additional information or workarounds due to deprecated libraries used in the course. - **Font Size Issue:** The font size for mobile devices is reportedly too small, which could hinder the learning experience for users on these devices. - **Missing Directions & Source Code:** There are missing key directions in the development section of the course, and the absence of source code or a GitHub repository to download and compare with the instructional material can make it difficult for students to troubleshoot and understand the code's implementation. - **Technical Issues:** Specific technical issues, such as Google Auth not working as expected, have been reported by some students. - **Additional Resources Needed:** A number of reviewers suggest that having a GitHub repository with the course code or slides would greatly enhance the learning experience and aid in tracking down bugs. **Final Thoughts:** While "Mastering Web Authentication" offers valuable content and a solid educational foundation, there are notable areas for improvement, particularly in terms of keeping the content up-to-date, providing supplementary resources like source code, and addressing mobile accessibility concerns. The course is generally well-regarded by students, but these issues need to be addressed to ensure it continues to meet the needs of learners and remains relevant in a rapidly evolving field.



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Enrollment distribution

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