Teacher As An Innovator

A module for teachers with a passion to develop future of education.

2.00 (1 reviews)
Other Teaching & Academi
Teacher As An Innovator
1 hour
Apr 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Innovation in Education: Making the teaching a WOW for the students

Why take this course?

--- **Course Title:** Teacher As An Innovator **Headline:** A Module for Teachers with a Passion to Develop the Future of Education 🎓✨ **Introduction:** Welcome, educators and innovators! Embark on a transformative journey with our comprehensive online course "Teacher As An Innovator," designed by Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra – a trailblazer in the field of education. This module is a treasure trove for those who seek to ignite their teaching practices and elevate classroom experiences to unprecedented levels of excellence. 🚀 **Course Overview:** "Teacher As An Innovator" is not just another educational course; it's a catalyst for change, a guide to creativity, and a roadmap to a future where learning is as exhilarating as it is enlightening. This course will revolutionize your approach to teaching by introducing innovative ideas and strategies that transform traditional methodologies into dynamic, interactive, and engaging experiences. 🌟 **Key Learning Outcomes:** - **Mastering Innovative Teaching Techniques:** Dive into a world of cutting-edge pedagogical practices that will captivate your students' imaginations and minds. - **Creating Engaging Lessons:** Learn how to design lessons that not only educate but also inspire, motivate, and energize your students. - **Cultivating a WOW Learning Environment:** Discover the secrets to creating classroom environments where students look forward to each lesson with anticipation and excitement. - **Implementing Creative Learning Methods:** Explore a variety of fresh, engaging, and effective methods to facilitate learning that is both enjoyable and profoundly impactful. - **Staying Ahead of Educational Trends:** Gain insights into the future of education and how to stay at the forefront of educational innovation. **What You Will Explore:** - **Emerging Pedagogical Concepts:** Engage with new theories and practices that are shaping the face of modern education. - **Strategies for Classroom Excellence:** Adopt strategies that will turn your classroom into a hub of academic achievement and student engagement. - **Incorporating Technology in Teaching:** Learn how to leverage technology to enhance learning experiences and create interactive, immersive lessons. - **Assessment and Feedback:** Understand the best practices for assessing student progress and providing meaningful feedback that fuels their academic journey. - **Fostering Creativity and Critical Thinking:** Encourage your students to think critically, creatively, and independently through innovative teaching methodologies. **Course Highlights:** - **Real-World Applications:** Learn how to apply these innovative strategies in real classroom settings with practical examples and case studies. - **Collaborative Learning:** Engage with a community of fellow educators to share ideas, receive feedback, and grow professionally. - **Continuous Improvement:** Receive ongoing support and resources to ensure your teaching practices remain dynamic and effective. **Conclusion:** Educators, it's time to take the leap into a future where education is not just a transfer of knowledge but an adventure in learning, innovation, and self-discovery. Join us in "Teacher As An Innovator" and unlock the potential within every classroom, starting with yours! 🏫💡 **Enroll Now to Transform Your Teaching and Inspire a Generation of Learners!** --- Ready to redefine what it means to be an educator in today's world? Let's make education not just a part of our lives, but the most exhilarating experience we embark on together. Enroll in "Teacher As An Innovator" and step into your role as a pivotal innovator in shaping the future of learning! 🌟🚀


April 19, 2019
There was a lot of disturbance background voice, notification alert tones of mobile. It felt just we are listening an audio. NO engagement. We are talking about student engagement in the course, which should have been first applied to video. Not at all satisfied



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