Vue | Vue Js Web Development Course with Real Vuejs Projects

Vue Js is a popular Front End JavaScript Framework. Learn Vue 3, build Vuejs web applications and be a Vue.js master

5.00 (27 reviews)
Web Development
Vue | Vue Js Web Development Course with Real Vuejs Projects
9.5 hours
May 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Learn Web App Development with Vue .js

We will learn routing in Vue .js applications with Vue-Router packages

We will learn to access API and third-party software in Vue .js applications with Axios packages.

Composition API

Learn the latest version of Vue .js

We will learn how to develop Single Page Apps with Vue .js

We will see Vue .js manual installation and installation with

How to create Web Application with Vue, Vue JS.

Vue, vue js, vuejs, nuxt, vue .js, vue 3, nuxt js, vuex.

What is Vue JS?

Most important Vuejs topics.

How to create multi-page web app with vue-router in vue js.

How to manage the data of our application with the vuex.

If you’re looking for a JavaScript web framework that isn’t going to drown you in complexity, take a look at Vue js.

Vuejs takes what other frameworks have done before, but does it in a way that’s fresh and easy-to-use

Why take this course?

看起來您已經提供了一個非常完整的课程介绍,覆盖了Vue.js的基本概念、与React的区别、学习难度、适用职位以及课程内容的质量和支持。这个介绍涵盖了course平台上常见的信息点。 如果您是在创建或优化这个课程的描述,以下是一些建议来确保它既准确又吸引人: 1. **清晰性** - 确保介绍的每个部分都尽可能清晰和简洁。避免过多的技术术语,如果您的目标受众可能不熟悉这些术语。 2. **结构** - 按照逻辑顺序组织信息,从基础知识开始到更高级的主题,以便学习者可以逐步跟着课程进展。 3. **互动性和参与度** - 提到课程中有Q&A部分,这是一个很好的开始,但您可以进一步强调在课程中如何鼓励学习者参与和实践。 4. **示例或案例研究** - 提供实际的项目或代码片段作为视觉元素,这有助于理解和记忆。 5. **课程特点** - 强调课程独特卖点,比如实际构建多页应用的实战练习,以及如何利用Vue Router进行导航。 6. **学习成果** - 明确介绍完成课程后学习者将能够掌握哪些技能,这有助于激励潜在学习者。 7. **更新和维护** - 提到您会跟踪Vue.js的最新动态并更新课程内容,以确保学习者始终获得最新的信息。 8. **用户评价** - 如果可能,包括一些前往课程的用户留下的正面评价或反馈。 9. **预览视频** - 提供一个免费预览视频,让潜在学习者体验课程的质量和教学风格。 10. **调用行动** - 结束描述时,鼓励读者立即注册或开始学习,以强化他们采取行动的意愿。 最后,确您所说的课程和支持资源都是当前的。这样可以避免任何歧义的误解。 希望您在course平台上传或者继续提供一个伽的学习体验呢!希望您在Vue.js的旅途显得到了!


September 23, 2023
the videos are not well edited, cutting in the end of multiple lectures together with the sound. the lectures are not connected well to each other, since the lecturer directly jumps to showing the example/topic without defining its pre-requisites. there are expressions on more or less every lecture which are sometimes not even related to what the lecturer talked about.
September 17, 2023
I must say, I'm thoroughly impressed with the work you've done here. Your attention to detail and dedication to this project are truly commendable. The way you've tackled the complex aspects of the task and made them seem so effortless is remarkable. It's evident that you've put a lot of thought and effort into this, and it definitely shows in the results. Keep up the excellent work, and I look forward to seeing more of your contributions in the future!
September 14, 2023
The course is excellent in terms of explaining each topic thoroughly. The combination of detailed explanations followed by hands-on projects greatly enhances the learning experience. I had taken a Vue.js course before, but this course filled in all the gaps. Thank you.



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