Web API RESTful crear y consumir en Net MAUI y Net Core(C#)

Aprende a crear una Web API y desarrolla una aplicación móvil con .NET MAUI y una aplicación web con NET CORE

4.15 (71 reviews)
Mobile Apps
Web API  RESTful crear y consumir en Net MAUI y Net Core(C#)
12.5 hours
Apr 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Crear un proyecto Web API en net core

Subir nuestra base de datos a un hosting

Conectarnos a una base de datos SQL Server desde nuestra Web API

Proteger nuestra API mediante un Token

Consumir nuestra API en Net Core

Consumir nuestro API en Net MAUI

Why take this course?

Este curso te enseñara a crear una Aplicacion Web API en net core desde cero y conectarnos a una base de datos SQL Server , ademas aprenderemos a proteger los metodos de nuestra web API usando token. Luego de crear la API aprenderemos a como consumirla en una aplicacion de Asp .net core (Aplicacion Web)  y .NET MAUI (Aplicacion Movil)

En la aplicacion  web API desarrollada en net core aprenderemos a crear metodos de listado , busqueda, inserciones  , actualizaciones , eliminaciones y transacciones que se conectaran con una base de datos SQL Server . Ademas nuestra Web API sera publicada en un servidor web en la nube.

Luego consumiremos nuestra Web API en un proyecto de net core donde crearemos un login en donde en la base de datos la clave se tendra cifrada y aprenderemos como pasar un Token que es necesario para poder consumir la web API, ademas realizaremos un CRUD , llenaremos combos desde base de datos , preview de imagenes , como guardar imagenes en base de datos , validaciones de datos entre otros.

Este curso te enseñara a crear una Aplicacion Web API en net core desde cero y conectarnos a una base de datos SQL Server , ademas aprenderemos a proteger los metodos de nuestra web API usando token. Luego de crear la API aprenderemos a como consumirla en una aplicacion de Asp .net core (Aplicacion Web)  y .NET MAUI (Aplicacion Movil)


Web API  RESTful crear y consumir en Net MAUI y Net Core(C#) - Screenshot_01Web API  RESTful crear y consumir en Net MAUI y Net Core(C#) - Screenshot_02Web API  RESTful crear y consumir en Net MAUI y Net Core(C#) - Screenshot_03Web API  RESTful crear y consumir en Net MAUI y Net Core(C#) - Screenshot_04

Our review

### Course Review Summary **Overall Rating:** 4.20 out of 5 stars ### Detailed Review #### Pros: - **Clear and Guided Instructions:** The course has been praised for the professor's ability to explain concepts in a simple, clear, and guided manner. This makes the learning experience accessible and comprehensible for learners at various levels of expertise. - **Comprehensive Content:** The course content is described as comprehensive, covering new concepts step by step and taking students through a logical progression from basic to advanced topics. - **Engaging Teaching Style:** The professor has received high marks for their engaging teaching style, which not only imparts knowledge but also keeps learners interested throughout the course. - **Responsive Support:** The professor is commended for promptly addressing any issues or questions that arise during the coursework, ensuring students receive the help they need to succeed. #### Cons: - **Limited to Specific Technologies:** Some learners expressed a desire for more advanced features to be covered in the course, such as implementing data transfer between windows instead of using a combobox. They suggest that future updates could include these more sophisticated implementations. - **Desire for Broader Topic Coverage:** A few reviews mentioned they would appreciate additional content or even a follow-up course covering other technologies like Web API consumption with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and claim tracking, which are important aspects of web development. #### Additional Feedback: - **Request for Course Expansion:** Learners have shown interest in the expansion of the course to include other frameworks or programming languages, such as Blazor. This suggests that the content could be made even more versatile and appealing to a broader audience. - **Positive Comparison to Other Platforms:** The course has been compared favorably to similar offerings on other platforms, highlighting the quality of instruction and the value it provides. - **International Praise:** The professor's work has received international recognition, with a student from Mexico expressing gratitude for the knowledge shared and expressing anticipation for more content in the future. ### Conclusion: The course has been highly rated by learners, with particular emphasis on the clarity and quality of instruction, as well as the responsiveness of the professor to learner needs. While there are suggestions for expanding the course's scope and covering additional advanced features, the overall sentiment is that this is an excellent course worthy of recommendation. The positive feedback and strong ratings reflect a successful learning experience for most students. Future updates with requested features could enhance the course further, making it even more comprehensive and beneficial to learners interested in web development with ASP.NET Core.



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Web API  RESTful crear y consumir en Net MAUI y Net Core(C#) - Ratings chart

Enrollment distribution

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